20 December 2008


We have lost our cat, Licorice. She escaped her cat basket on the way back from the vets LAST Tuesday (16th December) on Kennington Park Road. Since then we have had 2 sightings of her, one on Berryfield Road yesterday and another on Othello Close this morning.

She is a tortoiseshell (black, brown with a pale orange bib). She is small and slim and a Siamese shape (she is half Havana). She has very distinctive facial markings. She is very nervous and not particularly friendly - I would imagine it would be quite difficult to get hold of her but she might be very hungry by now. She wasn't wearing a collar when she went missing.

If anyone in the area finds her or thinks they have sight of her, I would be very grateful if they could contact me on my mobile 07880 820918.



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