25 April 2009

Community Alert - please read (Regarding Sat 25th April event at Ethelred Community youth club)

Please find this email on behalf of Paul McCann, Community Safety Partnership Co-ordinator – Pmccann@lambeth.gov.uk


Some of you may be aware that Isalm4uk intend to hold an event in the borough commencing with a ‘road show’ event on Sat 25th April from 1pm onwards in Brixton with a leafleting campaign followed later by a conference “Life Under the Shariah” from 5pm -9pm an undisclosed venue.

The event is also advertised on their website www.islam4uk.com and supporters of this organisation have been leafleting at Brixton Tube station periodically during the week

Islam4UK is not a banned organisation. However the council has concerns about the messages they convey and will always adopt a robust stance against those undermine community cohesion.

We have therefore been working to ensure that Islam4UK are not able to book any council premises including schools, libraries and community centres, and the meeting will not go ahead as publicised in their leaflet at the Ethelred Community Youth Club, 7 Lollard St SE11.

However experiences learned from other London boroughs suggests that whilst Islam4UK keep the original venue on their leaflets and publicity material, on the day itself they often direct the public to another undisclosed venue nearby.

Lambeth police have met and formulated a strategy to deal with any eventualities and there will be a low key but overt police presence using local Safer Neighbourhood officers on Saturday afternoon/evening.

Obviously there has been lots or confusion and misinformation about this planned event -if you have any information- particularly in regard to the venue please call Princes Safer Neighbourhoods Team on 0208 721 2627 (mobile 07920 233 837).”

Many Thanks

Paul McCann

Community Safety Partnership Co-ordinator

Adult & Community Services

Tel: 020 7926 2904

Fax: 020 7027 2799

mob 07946 493 660

2nd Floor,

205 Stockwell Road



'Making a Difference'

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