27 May 2009

Protest March against further cuts in Housing Saturday 11am, May 30th, 2009

Protest March against further cuts in Housing

Saturday 11am, May 30th, 2009.
Brixton Town Hall

Please pass this on to your contacts.

Why should I get involved?

It seems that these policies are only serving to further cause larger problems across the housing services in Lambeth.

There are approximately 800 empty properties across the Borough which could be turned into usable housing - and we think there are plenty of people out there that would jump at the chance of getting their own Council flat. Selling these off is not the answer. Bringing them back into use is the way forward.

As for cutting staff - the current workload is too much for the existing number of staff. reducing he number of staff when the entire service is in meltdown only serves to create a backlog so huge that no-one could clear it up.

It is not often I get political about these things - but it would seem that our elected representatives are not thinking straight and rather than solve the problems, they are only looking at the bottom line.

Do attend if you can (leaseholder or otherwise) as the knock on effects will affect everyone as the charges will continue to increase and the level of service will decrease.

Please contact soslambeth@googlemail.com with any questions.

See you on Saturday!

Lambeth Housing Crisis

· No to sale of Council Housing

· No to privatisation

· No to job cuts

There are 17,000 residents on Lambeth’s Housing Waiting List and 2,000 in Temporary Accommodation... but Lambeth Council are AUCTIONING OFF council homes at rock-bottom prices, cutting jobs and giving away Council services to private companies only interested in profit.

UNISON is campaigning alongside tenants, leaseholders and community organisations to defend the interests of local residents and workers to oppose the Council’s policies. Council homes should be refurbished and used to house the homeless.

Saturday 30th May

Assemble 11am

Lambeth Town Hall

No more sell offs!

No to rent rises, job cuts and privatisation!

Steve Rice,
Co-Chair, North Lambeth Area Leasehold Forum

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