18 May 2009

URGENT: Beaufoy Institute: Artisan School

Message from Jeffe Jeffers of Lady Margaret Hall Settlement and KA Planning Sub-Group following on from our recent Newsletter:
'At the last meeting of the steering group we were informed that the De Morgan Foundation could not guarantee that their funding would be in place within the time framework set out by the Department for Children, Schools and Families (DCSF). This has now created a serious problem in that the ministry do not want a near derelict building beside their new school and are demanding a quick financial solution to its future of the older building.

The Council appear to be getting ready to sell in the open market and if this happens it is likely the Prince’s Trust will withdraw; their continued involvement needing there to be a museum and or workshops on site. The whole project looks therefore in danger unless we can persuade Lambeth and DCSF to work with us to make a workshop solution happen.
If there are any ideas in the community we would be happy to look at them urgently.'
Contact Jeffe on 020 7793 1110.

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