26 May 2009

Vauxhall Society Wed 19 June at 7.30 in St Stephens Church Annexe


7.30 for 7.45 Wednesday 17th June 2009

St Stephen’s Church Annexe,

Corner of St Stephen’s Terrace and Wilkinson St SW8 1DH

Drinks and nibbles




For all local organisations and people

who care about their neighbourhood and our whole area:

Kennington, Vauxhall, Oval and around.

Can we act together to strengthen our voices?

How can we all keep and use the Vauxhall Society’s huge amounts of useful present day and historical information on the whole area,

its planning expertise and influence, and its connections?

Or shall we lose all this?

The Vauxhall Society’s AGM will follow

the open meeting at 8.45 at the latest

The Vauxhall Society is the Civic Society covering the north of Lambeth

and adjoining areas of Southwark and Wandsworth. It was founded in 1969

and benefits from being a member of the London Forum of Civic Societies.

The Society exists to encourage interest in and care for the character, history and

future of the area, to maintain and improve the quality of life of all who live here, and

to conserve the natural and built environment of the area.

It is consulted by the planning authorities and others on development proposals, supports local organisations in opposing unsuitable developments, and researches local history.

Yearly membership: organisations £5, individuals £3, students and 60+ £1.50

Registered Charity no 281195

Open meeting Wednesday 17 June 2009 at 7.30 for 7.45

To be held before the 39 th AGM of the Vauxhall Society


Proposed agenda

7.30-7.45 , drinks nibbles, see displayed Vauxhall Society information

7.45 start of meeting.

1. Agree on the agenda.

2. What does the Vauxhall Society do: short outline

3. Open discussion on acting together on planning:

including: for and against, what would be needed, whether and how

4. Using and supporting the Vauxhall Society?

To all our local organisations

anywhere in this area, please

take part in keeping our

local civic society active and


Come to the open meeting

on 17 June, look at the display

of the Vauxhall Society’s resources,

recent actions and publications,

and help decide all about its future.

The Vauxhall Society is consulted by the planning authorities and others on development proposals, supports local organisations in opposing unsuitable developments, and researches local history. It exists to encourage interest in and care for the character, history and future of the area, to maintain and improve the quality of life for all who live here, and to conserve the natural and built environment of the area.

It consistently argues for an effective local say in proposals for our area and against using our area principally as a convenience for others: whether as a fast through route, a coach parking place or an opportunity to develop canyons of tall buildings blocking off the river from us.

It continues to support our successful local efforts to keep our local libraries and improve our parks and green spaces.

In recent years, it has helped to initiate or played a major part in:

saving Brunswick House from destruction

Vision for Vauxhall

Thames Archaeology’s discovery of the Iron Age bridge at Vauxhall

the public enquiry into St George’s planned tower

getting surface crossings and a bus/tube/rail interchange at Vauxhall Cross

official adoption of the principle of axing the Vauxhall gyratory system

The Vauxhall Society has:

planning experience and expertise from 1969 to now

comprehensive historical and planning information

excellent wider contacts

a new website being developed

charitable status

taken a major part in official plan and other consultations

its own publications on local history

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