23 October 2009

Community Cinema and Old Ladies group screening

Hi everyone,

This is to share with you details of the next two sessions of the community cinema. Please feel free to invite anyone, as it's free and open!

At the same time, on Monday 26 October around 10.30 am we'll be having a screening with the group of old ladies or "community elders" (as we like to call them). They've just finished producing their video about Lambeth, and particularly about Lambeth Walk. I think it's a great chance for us learn from their historical knowledge! It will be in the room next to reception.



Soledad Muñiz

London Hub Coordinator

E: smuniz@insightshare.org

T: 020 7582 5850

S: soledad.muniz


Amplifying Voices, Connecting Worlds, Inspiring Transformation



The London Hub is the first hub of the Insight global network! It has been in action since May 2008, and is located in the Lilian Baylis Old School site which is run by Sports Action Zone (SAZ). The site is an abandoned school in the heart of Lambeth, South London.

During 2008 and the first half of 2009, there have been several PV projects running with young local people related to sports and social change (see some of the videos to the left). The second half of 2009 sees the Video Coaches programme start, where we will train the next generation of local PV facilitators!

What is a Hub?

A hub is space where PV equipment is stored and editing can take place, and is usually based in the heart of an urban community or rural village. It is a focal point for communications, empowerment, social action and cultural resilience work.

What does the London Hub provide?

  • PV projects with the local community

  • Archive / Resource Centre

  • Editing facility

  • Workshop & training facility

Contact details

Address: Insight London Hub, Lilian Baylis OLD School, Lollard Street, London, SE11 6PY.

Telephone number: 020 7582 5850

Email: londonhub@insightshare.org

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