08 October 2009

Happy Bus Pass Outings – Autumn 09

Happy Bus Pass Outings – Autumn 09

October 7th St Katherine’s Docks + other places in that area

14th Windsor

21st V&A and, if good weather, Kensington Gardens

28th Gardens at top of Greenwich Park – if weather suitable for autumn colours. Otherwise indoor attractions in Greenwich – Royal observatory, Queen Anne’s House, Maritime Museum

November 4th Old Spitalfields meat market, church of St Bartholmew the Great and then an afternoon visit to the Museum of London

11th National Portrait Gallery

18th Freemasons Hall and then at 2pm Royal College of Surgeons Museum (for those who don’t like surgical things Sir John Soane’s museum would be an alternative, it is in the same square)

25th Guardian/Observer Newsroom Exhibition, Farringdon Rd. followed by British Library, Kings Cross. Current free exhibition “Capturing the 19th Century in Photographs” and a chance to see such key documents as the Magna Carta and many other literary treasures

December 2nd National Science Museum – with children being at school adults should be able to use the hands on exhibits.

NB If it is a rainy day when there is an outdoor destination we will go somewhere else eg to the Natural History Museum;

Future destinations will be planned according to suggestions.

Please note it is a friendly informal group of older people not a formal organization. People come at their own risk. New people welcome.

To attend an outing all you need to do is be at Waterloo Action Centre, 14 Baylis Rd, SE1 7AA by 11am on the Weds.

All places we go to are free so there should be no cost for outing, provided you bring your Freedom Pass.

We suggest you also bring sandwiches, which we find somewhere to have together.

If you cannot come on these outing but would like to be involved in the future leave your contact details with The Association of Waterloo Groups at WAC. Tel no 020 7928 9662 e-mail a.w.g@btconnect.com

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