01 December 2009

KA AGM DRAFT Minutes Monday, 5th October 2009

Kennington Association

Draft Minutes from Annual Meeting

7pm, Monday, 5th October 2009

Captain’s Room, Kennington Oval


Les & Jo Albrecht, David Boardman, Tim Boxall, Christine Eames-Jones, Marilyn Evers, Sylvia Goodman, Kate Hoey MP, Maureen Johnston MBE, Diane Kavanagh, Veronica Ledwith, Mary Mathewson, Mrs Jean McCarthy, Rodney & Ursula Ovenden, Michael Poole-Wilson, Cathy Preece, Sue Bruno & Angela Rayner, Elizabeth Scott, Betty Severn, Mrs Arfa Shah, Penny Sinclair, Anna Tapsell, Julie & David Tisdall, Kevin Rimmington.


Kingsley Abrams, Charles & Sarah Kennedy, Jill Johnston, Margarita O’Malley, Priscilla Baines, Kevin Moore, Katherine Camp, Marie Bradley, Caroline Pidgeon, Jo Hykin, Oladapo Habeeb, John Roberts, Mark Harrison, Ann Carey.

Report from the Chair

Chair Anna Tapsell called the meeting to order, welcomed everyone and explained briefly how the KA functions. We are not too prescriptive or formal in our structure, but the organization and the Committee expand and contract as issues arise. We exist to serve the people of Kennington and raise money for children’s activities and outings as well as coming to the rescue of all kinds of neighbourhood groups if they run short of funds or need a bridge loan in between sponsoring grants. We also serve as a catalyst, helping new community groups reach out to potential members through our mailing lists and funding contacts, etc.

For example, when the Ethiopian Millennium celebration event found at the last minute they needed more money to cover security, KA came to the rescue with funds. KA also works with the organizers of the Fete in Cleaver Square to provide “official” stuff to be done which keeps them in operation. The free Tai Chi classes that meet in Kennington Park are another example of an activity that is covered by a charitable grant, but relies on KA sponsorship to apply for and receive the funding and occasional bridge loans.

Funding for KA expenses comes primarily from two sources: membership and the three bazaars that are held each year. All donated money is used for community activities. As soon as we take money in, it usually goes out. No one draws salary or funds except to cover documented expenses.

Following is a brief summary of some of the activities the KA has carried out in the past year:

Welcome Pack: This is an on-line (www.welcometokennington.org.uk) source of information where residents can find out about our MPs and MEPs, local authorities, gardens, parks, healthcare for people and animals and local LGBT resources. There is also information about food shopping, places to eat, music, schools, shops & services, places of worship, pubs and clubs, staying safe, local theatre and youth & play activities. Gathering, editing and posting this information was a monumental task and we owe a special debt of gratitude to Angela Rayner and Mavis Mate for bringing it to fruition.

Planning Group: Elizabeth Scott has been the guiding light of the planning group and it is one of the most difficult briefs. The Council and various commercial interests have been gradually pushing residents of Kennington further and further from the river, allowing the construction of tall buildings of luxury flats and businesses that block older communities from both river views and access. The planning group monitors the myriad of planning applications that are put before the council, drafts a position they believe is in the best interests of a majority of our members, and brings these drafts before the full committee for discussion and approval before views are sent to council. Naturally, this also involves trying to weigh the opinions and interests of divergent groups within our community and sometimes communicating bad news back to residents. This has been particularly difficult in the past year when it came to voicing opinions on the Oval lights, crowd control during test matches and the 20/20 crowds. KA, through the Planning Subgroup and Tim Boxall, was also instrumental in ensuring the Council provides an exchange facility for the Vauxhall Gardens Community Centre whose current venue is being razed for new development.

Art Auction: The Art Auction in September raised over £4,000, which will be used for the Secret Santa fund as well as a Student Bursary for the City & Guilds of London Art School. This SS fund purchases £40 vouchers, redeemable at Tesco that are given at Christmas to families in need as identified by the Ethelred Nursery School & Children’s Centre. Although a large group of people contributed to the success of this endeavour, special thanks go to Catey Hillier for once again coordinating the event and Andrew Connolly who ensured printing of the catalogue. A large debt of gratitude is also owed to all the individuals and local businesses who contributed artwork, items of interest and everything from cleaning services to restaurant meals for the auction.

Business Forum: A new venture, just started in the last few months is the Kennington Business Forum. This is a group of local business owners and directors who have come together to work for their common interests and the interests of the whole community to improve the services and business climate of Kennington. KA Committee Member, Oladapo Habeeb, manager of the Vauxhall Street Post Office (which KA was instrumental in keeping open), is the KBN Liaison and we expect the Business Forum to function as a separate unit with KA backing and support once it is fully operational. Issues they are looking at include recycling, decorations, care and control of pavements and negotiating with TfL.

Lollard Street Adventure Playground: Just last month, KA was asked to help set up a Friends group for the playground. This facility was promised money by the Council, which was later dropped as the Council deliberates the future of the Lilian Baylis Old School which is seen as part of the same site. As a result, a badly-needed refurbishment has not taken place. A Friends group will be able to put pressure on the Council and restore proper funding.

Business Meeting

Minutes from the previous AGM on 27th October 2008 were accepted without amendment.

Treasurer’s Report: In the absence of a treasurer, the financial report was circulated in writing and discussed. A question about the Trinidad fund was answered satisfactorily by Cathy Preece, Administrative Assistant. The accounts as presented were approved.

Committee: All current members of the Committee and executives were confirmed for another year. Mary Mathewson was accepted as an additional member of the Planning Forum.

Old Business: Last year, the matter of dangerous dogs was raised by a member.

Discussion: Anna, who meets regularly with police in her CPCG role reported that much has been done to address this problem as part of the Safer Neighbourhoods programme. There is now a phone number (Lambeth 020 7926 4000; Southwark 020 7525 5777) * people can call to report dangerous dogs. Police are now removing many of these dogs from the street, but they cannot destroy them without court action and meanwhile are spending thousands of pounds per year on kennelling fees which the police, not the owners, are responsible for. Local vets have also reported they see more injured dogs that have obviously been involved in fights, but the dogs are frequently brought to the surgery by mothers and girlfriends of the owners and discovering the legitimate owner is difficult.

Kate Hoey, MP for Vauxhall noted that the public is now much more aware of the problem and helping the police. Most of the dogs seized are eventually put down because they are unsalvageable. Police have also identified hotspots, such as the Ashmole estate of Clapham Road where they recognize a serious problem.

One proposal has been that there be mandatory chipping of dogs owned by residents of council accommodation so that it is easier to trace the owners of dogs that are seized.

All Other Business

Ursula Ovenden, head of Archbishop Sumner Primary School asked how families can be nominated by teachers, etc. to receive a voucher under the Secret Santa scheme. Cathy said all suggestions should be sent to Charmaine Clarke of the Ethelred Nursery School.

Ursula also pointed out that the Garden is open for all to enjoy.

Maureen Johnston brought to members’ attention the North Lambeth Expo which is to be held at the Waterloo Action Centre.

Rodney Ovendon asked if KA had considered becoming a charity so that we would be eligible for gift aid.

Kevin Rimmington, deputy chair of KA, explained that we had looked into this option but decided for the present at least, we were better off without charity status because we are eligible for some funds that we couldn’t receive as a charity. We are trying to establish a KA Fund that would be administered by Capital Community Foundation and that would enable us to get match funding for whatever KA raises for charitable purposes.

Tim Boxall reported that the application for a convenience store in the old Bingo Hall at Kennington Road and Black Prince Road has been rejected, but it will probably be resubmitted in a slightly different guise. Although this space was originally intended for community use, the developers want too much money so the space has been empty since conversion of the building into flats.

Betty Severn brought to people’s attention the KA Ladies Who Lunch and Kennington Companions groups. These groups (which include men!) are made up of active volunteers of KA and meet from time to time for socialising.

Sylvia Goodman asked about the Arts Lavatory project that was mentioned in the Minutes of last year’s AGM. Maureen Johnston explained this is a conversion of the old Lavatory at Kennington Cross into a venue for a small arts centre and broadcasting site and has had interest from City and Guilds Art School and Morley College.

Kate Hoey informed us that the Friends of Spring Gardens wants to officially change the name to Vauxhall Pleasure Gardens, as it was known in the nineteenth century. They hope for community backing for this change.

There being no further business, the meeting closed at 8:20 pm




Safer Neighbourhood Teams (SNTs)



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