20 February 2010

News from Roots & Shoots

PS – News just in:  Last night (Thursday 18th)Roots and Shoots won the Access Category in the Sustainable City Awards, the City of London’s ‘Green Oscars’. It’s very prestigious and Linda Phillips and her team are delighted. The citation is below:

“This small independent charity was established in 1982 and took over a site at Walnut Tree Walk, where they provide work placements and vocational training in Horticulture and Retail for troubled young people.
“Over the years, they have transformed this ex industrial site into an award winning wild life garden and eco-centre, and when their extensive work with the local community, on issues such as sustainable food production and biodiversity, are taken into account, it is apparent that this gem of a project is a worthy winner of this category.”

19 February 2010

Frogs wooing, bees building and a seed swap
Roots and Shoots Spring Open Day, Sunday 21 March 2010, 11am – 4pm

“Spring arrives three weeks earlier at Roots and Shoots than in other parts on the country,” says Director Linda Phillips. The microclimate at the Lambeth charity means visitors to Spring Open Day on Sunday 21 March will be among the first to catch  the splendours of spring 2010.

The beautiful half acre wildlife garden will be in its spring colours, bees will be waking up and frogs will be getting on with some serious courting in the ponds.

As well as the chance to rejoice at the arrival of spring, there’s a seed swap, plant sale and London honey stall.  Roots and Shoots Orchard Bounty Apple Juice vintage 2009 will be on sale.

Part of National Science and Engineering Week, the Open Day will include lots of activities for children including a froggy room with microscope workshops, a Bee Wall, art and storytelling.

Free admission to all.

Roots and Shoots, Walnut Tree Walk, Lambeth, London SE11 6DN. Telephone: 020 7587 1131, www.rootsandshoots.org.uk

Other events at Roots and Shoots

Sunday 13 June, 10am – 5pm: Roots and Shoots will be opening for the first time for London’s Open Garden Squares Weekend.


For further press information and photographs please contact Lindsay Swan on 07961 181982; lindsay@lindsayswan.co.uk

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