02 February 2010


Playing and listening to steel pans is a popular thing to do for many young people in Kennington.
As you know from our newsletter last May (see excerpt below), the KA initiated links in Trinidad 'the home of steel pan playing' and we have now been invited to send a small group over there to witness Panorama, the 'greatest steel band competition the world', and learn more about the culture there.
The group has been offered accommodation and hospitality by a local parish there; the only cost for us is in finding funds for the travel.
Do you have spare time to help us raise funds by assisting in seeking out charities that may help us and help submit application forms as appropriate.
Angus says, "This would be a fantastic opportunity for a few of our local young people, who rarely get the chance to travel far, to learn, first hand, about the rich culture and musical heart of Trinidad."
If you are interested, then tea and support are offered by the Vicar!
Please contact him - angus.aagaard@googlemail.com.
KA Newsletter May 2009:

Angus recently visited Trinidad, with support from KA, to make contact with groups playing steel pans. This form of music, which began in Trinidad & Tobago, is played in several groups and schools in our neighbourhood and has recently become very popular. Last year Archbishop Sumner Primary School steel band played for us at the Fete. In Trinidad each year before the start of Lent a huge steel pan band competition is held. It culminates in Panorama, a battle of the bands that forms part of Carnival.  If sufficient funds can be raised, it is hoped that a group of young players from Kennington can go to Trinidad next year for Panorama to visit the roots of music they have come to know and play.  The planning for this project is still in the very early stages and one of the first steps, of course, will be to look for some kind of corporate sponsorship or funding. If you would like to support this initiative, please contact Angus on 020 7735 3415 or angus.aagaard@googlemail.com."

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