23 January 2011

Traffic issue

Dear Neighbours

A KA member writes:

"I don't know whether other people have been affected, but a new traffic island, separating cars from the bus lane has been placed on Kennington Park Road as it becomes Brixton Road.  This makes it very dangerous for cars to drive down Kennington Park Road/Brixton Road to Camberwell New Road (since they can't use the left lane as it's a bus lane) and so are positioned on the right.  Buses, meanwhile, are trying to take the right hand fork down Brixton Road, but they're positioned on the left, making a dangerous car/bus cross over inevitable.  I've attached a bad diagram, but could KA enquire whether others have this issue?"

Do please let us have your comments.

Very many thanks
Best wishes
Cathy Preece
Administrative Assistant

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