28 March 2011

Oval Farmers' Market special day 2 April

Come and enjoy the Farmers' Market

Now that the sun is shining, the Farmers' Market in St Mark's Churchyard at the Oval is in celebratory mood. Make a date to come to a special market on Saturday 2 April, when we will be marking the official granting of planning permission for the market to use the site. We have invited the new Mayor of Lambeth to join us.

Oval Partnership will also have a stall at the market where we will be updating you on the progress of the project to upgrade and landscape the St Mark's Churchyard area. Many of you will have been involved in the consultation last year and have been asking what's happening. We will hold a short Annual General Meeting at 10.30am, where we will elect officers for the coming year and present our accounts. Please try to attend that meeting to support us in our continuing work. If you would like to stand as a member of the management committee, please get in touch at contactovalpartnership@gmail.com to let us know and find out what's involved.

We look forward to seeing you on Saturday 2 April!

Ghislaine Stewart
Oval Partnership

What is Oval Partnership? It is a community-based voluntary organisation run by volunteers to improve the Oval area. It initiated the weekly Farmers' Market, and is continuing to work on plans to upgrade St Mark's Churchyard. For more information please go to our website - www.ovalpartnership.org.uk/

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