02 March 2011

Reminder: Bazaar - Saturday, 12 March

Dear Neighbours

Volunteers are busy in the background preparing for our next Bazaar!
Our Bazaar Coordinator, Gisella, is doing a great job
pulling it all together in her cheerful way.

Pimlico Plumbers have very kindly offered us a van again,
and Galo is available to drive once more.
Thank you to them both!

  • We need a strong man to accompany Galo to load and unload the van, please.
Once that's confirmed,
we'll be able to come back to you regarding
possible collections on Friday late afternoon / early evening.

We have been overwhelmed by the generosity of neighbours donating items,
so much so that the garage is now full!!
  • Can anyone offer temporary overflow storage space, please?
This looks to be a Bumper Bazaar,
so Gisella would be glad of more helpers,
especially volunteers to
  • Set up on Friday evening 6-8pm, unloading vehicles
  • Man stalls
  • Clear up on Saturday afternoon, loading the van
  • If you can help, please phone Gisella on 020 7820 0434

Very many thanks
Best wishes
Cathy Preece
Administrative Assistant

To make our Bazaars even more successful, we need more volunteers to help before, during and after the Bazaar.  We are looking especially for a few strong people to help collect and carry the more bulky items.  We also need a van and driver to help pick up items from homes.  We especially need help Friday evening.  The next Bazaar is scheduled for Saturday, 12 March, from 11am to 1.30pm at St. Anselm’s Church Hall at Kennington Cross.  Donations can be dropped off at the Hall on Friday evening between 6 and 8 pm and Saturday morning from 9 to10 am. 
How much money we make is directly tied to how much is donated and how many people turn up, so please come along and help us.  We hope to use the proceeds from the March Bazaar to fund Tai Chi classes, free to all our community!

Bazaar 110312.jpg

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