22 July 2011

Prayer Walk following shooting on Black Prince Road

Dear All,

I write on behalf of the clergy and ministry team of North Lambeth Parish following the shooting of Jaden McCalla on Black Prince Road on 12th July 2011.

Having spoken with members of the local community, North Lambeth Parish will be leading a short prayer walk from St Anselm's Church on Sunday 24th July at 6.30pm.  The walk will be in silence.

Jaden as you may know was shot three times on Tuesday by a group of youths on bicycles.  His younger brother Anthony was arrested in connection with the shooting of Thusha on Stockwell Road. Jaden remain in critical condition.  Thusha I understand is paralysed from the waist down.

If you are able to join the clergy and members of the congregation, please do let me know in advance. 

If you cannot attend please do hold the walk in your prayers.

With many thanks,

PS for more information on the incident see: http://southeasteleven.blogspot.com/2011/07/shooting-on-corner-of-black-prince-rd.html

David Longe
North Lambeth Parish,
Centenary Hall
Cottington Street
London SE11 4RZ

Parish Office: 020 7735 3403
Home: 020 3005 4613
Day off: Friday


Pathways @ Kennington Cross is a new and exciting project at St Anselm's for details please see: http://www.pathwaysse11.com

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