19 September 2011

Kennington Country Life - Friday 30th September

St Anselm's Church is having a service next Friday (30th September) to celebrate rural life in Kennington. There are several local organisations involved with the service - the Garden Museum, Urban Bees, Tomorrow's People, the Countryside Alliance, Roots and Shoots, Project Dirt, Incredible Edible Lambeth and Vauxhall City Farm.

There will be animals from Vauxhall City Farm outside the Church from 3pm, and a short service begins at 5.30. Inside the church will be drawings and exhibitions of plant life from the children at Archbishop Sumner's school, as well as a baking competition and flower arranging. The Tea House Theatre will also have a stall with tea!
Liz Whyte
Pastoral Assistant
North Lambeth Parish,
Centenary Hall
Cottington Street
London SE11 4RZ

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