12 December 2011

Young Vic Recruiting for Community Chorus !!

Dear Two Borough Member,

My name is Samantha Nurse, I am introducing myself as the new Two Boroughs Project Manager.  I have taken over the post from Kirstin Shirling whom you may have had contact with in the past.  I wanted to introduce myself and to also let you know of a great opportunity here at the Young Vic Theatre !

This coming spring, the Young Vic is producing the first ever stage version of Jung Chan’s Wild Swans.

We are recruiting two, alternate community choruses to join our professional cast on stage each night; we are looking for people of Chinese and East Asian heritage to be part of this once in a lifetime opportunity.

I am hoping that you might be interested or willing to pass on the information about this performance opportunity to those you know might be interested? We would love to meet you and speak with you about this project if you should require further information. Attached is a pdf version of the chorus information flyer, I have an html version that can be directly forwarded on to people that I can also email over to you.

Potential chorus members do not need any experience of performing, they just need to be interested in being in the show, 18 years or over and be able to commit to the rehearsal and performance schedule. We will be holding fun and friendly workshop auditions on the evenings of Thursday 5 and Friday 6 January 2012.  The rehearsals will then take place in January and March/April and performances will take place during the weeks of 16, 23, 30 April and 7 May 2012.

I hope you may be able to spread the word or know someone of Chinese or East Asian heritage who may take advantage of this unique opportunity and hope to see you here on the stage of the Young Vic Theatre !  Please call Marcella Hughes on 0207 922 2845 or email wildswans@youngvic.org if you require further information or to book a fun workshop audition !

Look forward to meeting you in the future,
Samantha Nurse
Two Boroughs Project Manager
Taking Part

28 October – 21 January
Michael Sheen plays Hamlet.

The Changeling
26 January – 25 February
A gripping and darkly comic tale of how love and sex drive us mad.

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