13 January 2012

Questionnaire about the Durning Library

A message from Friends of the Durning Library

The Durning Library is an important part of our local community.
Lambeth Council is currently considering the future organisation of
its library service.  We know that there are to be severe budget cuts
and if the community does not step in, our library may not survive.
As the library’s Friends, we need your help to decide how best to plan
for its future, and so we need to hear your views, whether or not you
use the library.
Please complete this short survey by clicking on the link below – it
will not take long and it is important that as many local people as
possible have their say.

Paper copies are available at the Durning library if needed, or you
can download a PDF version from the website.  Please complete the
survey by 30th January.  And please forward it to anyone else you
think might be interested.

We shall be holding a public meeting at the Durning Library on Monday
27 February to enable everyone to give us their views and the results
of the survey will contribute to this discussion.

So, PLEASE complete this questionnaire, either on paper or on-line,
and return it to us by Monday 30 January.

Thank you in advance,

Priscilla Baines
Chairman, Friends of the Durning Library

Friends of Durning Library

(Our brand new website www.durninglibraryfriends.org.uk is now live –
visit it to complete the questionnaire and to find out what is going
on at the Durning library).

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