09 May 2012

Brand new walk in Vauxhall on Sunday, 10.45 from outside Vauxhall tube exit 2 - discounts for KA members apply

This is my new walk around Vauxhall, getting its first airing on Sunday, 10.45 from outside Vauxhall tube exit 2, opposite the railway station.

Usual discounts for KA members apply, £9 is full price, £7 for KA members.

There is something very solid and inspiring going on in Vauxhall.
It is known for its historic pleasure gardens, for giving its name to a car, for being home to Jeffrey Archer and MI6, but probably most of all to the many people who drive through it or see it from the windows of trains, for a fearsome traffic junction.
Yet in this unsuspected spot, away from the multi lanes, there are pockets of growth and imagination that flourish.
The more I researched this walk, the more I got the sense of overlapping strong communities; individuals and groups who have created important local projects with little cash and a lot of what the business community likes to call blue sky thinking.  Blue sky, and yet very earthed.
This is a brand new walk, having its first airing on Sunday at 10.45. We'll meet at exit 2 of Vauxhall tube, opposite the entrance to the mainline station.

Isobel Durrant

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