01 July 2012

An Alphabetical Adventure in North Lambeth: free bike tour this Wednesday evening

An Alphabetical Adventure in North Lambeth
Wed 4th July at 7pm (meet from 6.45pm)
Playfully riding from A through to Z, this free ride introduces you to 26 (and a few more) curious places, famous people and odd facts from the Mesolithic era to the present day between Vauxhall and Waterloo. Discoveries along the way will include circus and music-hall, pleasure gardens and drugs, gin and the underground, the true centre of London and, if fortune smiles upon us, the fastest creature in the world.
We'll gently twist and turn our way to cover a dozen flat miles, taking two to three hours, to work up a thirst for a lager at the end of the ride.
Meeting point: outside Lassco, Brunswick House, 30 Wandsworth Road, SW8 2LG
(on Vauxhall Gyratory by the start of Nine Elms Lane - don't worry we're not cycling on the road there)
The ride is part of the London Festival of Architecture http://www.lfa2012.org/events/view/an-alphabetical-adventure-in-north-lambeth-324
Ride Leader: Charlie Holland

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