06 May 2014

Events at the Durning Library | Friends of Durning Library : 'Fictions of our South London'

Events at the Durning Library | Friends of Durning Library

'Fictions of our South London'

Hi Kennington News! I hope this reaches you. I can find no way on your site of contacting you to publicise an event myself. It's at the Durning Library, Kennington Lane on Monday 19 May. Entitled 'Fictions of our South London', it's part of the Lambeth Readers and Writers Festival.

I'm Paula Coston, a novelist, whose novel - half-set in Kennington and environs, half in Sri Lanka - is about to come out. The evening should be fun. I'll be talking to the audience and showing them images of landmarks around our landscape that feature in novels, including mine.
There'll be a free-entry local landmark recognition competition, with the prize of a voucher towards a meal for at least two at the Jaffna House, Kennington. I'll be signing and selling my book; and there'll be the usual refreshments and warm welcome at the Library. It starts at 6.45 pm! 

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