21 August 2014

Events at the Durning Library | Friends of Durning Library

Events at the Durning Library | Friends of Durning Library

Events at the Durning Library


These are normally held on the third Monday evening in the month at  6.45 for 7.15pm at the Durning Library. Light refreshments are served. Everyone is welcome. There’s no admission charge, but a £2 donation towards costs is invited.
Tuesday 2 September


As part of the Lambeth Heritage Month, the Friends of the Durning Library are joining forces with the Royal Vauxhall Tavern (RVT) to help celebrate their 150th birthday.
NB: Venue Change: Meet outside the Royal Vauxhall Tavern, 372 Kennington Lane, SE11 5HY
Time:   6.30-9pm A guided walk, led by Amy LamĂ©, kicks off at the RVT taking in the Durning Library, where a 3D RVT display, created by artist Robin Whitmore, will be exhibited and a reminiscence film screened.
Happy Birthday RVT is a creative research project celebrating the 150th anniversary of the Royal Vauxhall Tavern and its historic importance as a site for LGBT culture, innovation in entertainment and influence on wider British popular culture.  Happy Birthday RVT has been developed by Artist Collective Re-Dock, in partnership with the RVT, Duckie, BAC and Lambeth Libraries and Archives.  It has been funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF), through their Sharing Heritage Programme.  www.happybirthdayrvt.com
Friends who don’t wish to join in the walk are welcome to come to the Durning at the usual time of 6.45pm for a chat and a look at the 3D RVT display before the RVT walkers join us at around 7.15.  After a pause for refreshments the film will be preceded by an introduction from Tim Brunsden at about 7.50pm.  Timings to be confirmed, so watch this space.

Monday 15 September: Our regular Monday event is also part of Lambeth Heritage Month.“For the King, the Country, the Queen’s and Kennington”. The Great War story of Kennington’s own battalion, the 24th London’s (The Queen’s), on the 90th anniversary of the unveiling in Kennington Park of its war memorial commemorating over 800 men. An illustrated talk by Marietta Crichton Stuart.

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