20 February 2015

Friends of Durning Library | Monday March 16: Waterloo Survivor

Friends of Durning Library | A voluntary organisation to promote and support our local library

Monday March 16:  Waterloo Survivor.  Stephen Bull
lives in Waterloo and has a passion for the techniques of Georgian
house building.  Now he and his apprentices are using traditional skills
and original materials to return a client’s 18th century house in
Kennington to how it was built.  Gradually, stripped of unsympathetic
renovations but discreetly retaining the necessities of a practical
family home, the house reveals its history.

Events are normally held on the third Monday evening in the month.

6.45 for 7.15pm at the Durning Library.  Light refreshments. Everyone welcome.

No admission charge, but a £2 donation towards costs is invited.


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