30 March 2015

SLAS Coach Tour 2015 - Winchester Saturday 4th July


By coach on Saturday, July 4th, 2015

The cathedral city of Winchester was the capital and burial-place of many ancient Kings of Wessex, including King Alfred.  It was Alfred who captured London from the Vikings in 886 and founded Southwark as an English town (Suthringa Geweorc).  Winchester’s distinguished cathedral holds the shrine of St. Swithun and the chantry chapels of several bishops.  Nearby are the substantial remains of their mediaeval palace, built by Henry de Blois, just as Southwark has the ruins of their London home.  Hyde Abbey on the north side of town was the last burial-place of King Alfred.  The abbey’s gateway survives and some capitals may be seen in the church of St. Bartholomew.  King Henry III’s Great Hall remains from the castle and contains a version of King Arthur’s Round Table.  Winchester had originally been the Roman town of Venta Belgarum, whose story is told in the excellent City Museum. 

COST: £30

The coach will leave from the Old Vic at Waterloo at 8.45 a.m.

To apply, please return this form to Stephen Humphrey, 1 Cornish House, Otto Street, London, SE17 3PE (Enquiries: 020-7735 6716; stephenhumphrey456@btinternet.com).

I wish to reserve ________  place(s) on the visit to Winchester in Hampshire

Name _________________________________________________________

Address _______________________________________________________

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E-mail: ________________________________________________________

I enclose the sum of £ ______  (Cheques to be made payable to the Society)

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