15 April 2015

FoDL: Monday 20 April: Annual General Meeting

Events | Friends of Durning Library

Monday 20 April:  Annual General Meeting.
Don’t miss this important event when Susanna Barnes, Head of Lambeth Libraries, will talk to us about the latest proposals for the running of Lambeth Libraries, including the Durning.  These proposals are far-reaching and, as they stand, are likely to lead to the loss of any decent library service in Kennington.  Come and hear what is on the cards, and what your Committee is doing about it.  Constructive ideas always welcome!
Susanna will talk from about 7.10 until 7.45 pm, and the AGM itself will start at 7.50pm.
Do bring your £3.00 subscription as well as your usual £2.00 donation.
AGM papers will be issuing at the end of March.
Monday 20 April
6.45 for 7.15pm at the Durning Library.  Light refreshments. Everyone welcome.
No admission charge, but a £2 donation towards costs is invited.

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