19 April 2015

Rubbish on Kennington Road and Kennington Lane in front of shops

​From: Brathwaite,Jennifer Cllr <JBrathwaite@lambeth.gov.uk>
To: Cathy Preece <kenningtoncompanions@gmail.com>, "Crook,Kevin" <KCrook@lambeth.gov.uk>, "Naish,Keith" <KNaish@lambeth.gov.uk>, "Clarke,Michael C" <MCClarke@lambeth.gov.uk>

Cathy Preece - Thank you for your email regarding the state of Kennington Road and Kennington Lane.  I am sorry that the condition of the streets have given you cause to write to me but I am also grateful to you for bringing it to my attention.  During last year's local election Lambeth Labour pledged to make neighbourhoods cleaner and greener and we rely on residents  keeping an eye on how clean their streets are to help us achieve this objective.

I will instruct officers and our contractors to clean up and monitor this area.  If you do not see an improvement within the next two weeks please contact me.

Keith Naish - Can you please take a look at Kennington Road and Lane and tell me the cause of the rubbish on the streets.  I was in Kennington Road about two weeks ago and noticed how messy it seemed.  Some commercial bins on the pavements were overfilled spoiling the look of the area.  Can you arrange to speak to the shop owners to ensure that they have made arrangements to dispose of their waste in a responsible manner and ask them to ensure that their waste receptacles are emptied at appropriate intervals.  

Kevin Crook - Can you confirm that our contractors are cleaning this area thoroughly.  Can you advise me when litter picking and street cleaning takes place on Kennington Road and Lane and arrange for our officers to monitor the standard of cleaning for the next month.  

Michael Clark -  Can you speak to the BID manager to enquire whether they can persuade the relevant businesses to make them more responsible for cleaning up the mess outside their respective shops. 

Jamie Ackinola - Can we consider extending timed collection to Kennington Road and Lane.  Parts of the area are blighted by large commercial bins on the pavement.  Can you look into this.

Regards to you all,

Councillor Jennifer Brathwaite
Labour Councillor for 
Gipsy Hill Ward
Cabinet Member for Environment and Sustainability

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