14 May 2015

Rubbish Recce : Dirty streets - Kennington Lane / Cross

Dear Neighbours
If you know of other patches blighted by rubbish on our streets,
please let us know.
Very many thanks
Best wishes

From: Brathwaite,Jennifer Cllr <JBrathwaite@lambeth.gov.uk>
Date: 13 May 2015 at 20:13
Subject: Re: Dirty streets - Kennington Lane / Cross
To: Cathy Preece <kenningtoncompanions@gmail.com>, "Naish,Keith" <KNaish@lambeth.gov.uk>, "Crook,Kevin" <KCrook@lambeth.gov.uk>, "Akinola,Jamie" <JAkinola@lambeth.gov.uk>, "York,Gill" <GYork@lambeth.gov.uk>, "Packer,David" <DPacker@lambeth.gov.uk>, Verrier <Steve.Verrier@veolia.co.uk>, Robert Seear <robert.seear@veolia.com>
Cc: "Edbrooke,Jane Cllr" <jedbrooke@lambeth.gov.uk>, KBN KenningtonBusinessNetwork <kenningtonbn@googlemail.com>, "Peck,Lib Cllr" <LPeck@lambeth.gov.uk>
Hello Ms Preece,

I will be holding a meeting with council officers and our contractors about the issues you have raised on Tuesday.  In the meantime I would like to arrange a visit to the area so that I can see the conditions of the street for myself.  When would you suggest?  You and your neighbours can ring me to arrange a date and time.  You can ring me now if you wish.

Kevin/Keith/Jamie - Can you prepare an update on this for Tuesday's meeting.

David- Can you arrange for me to visit the school to address the pupils about the importance of responsible disposal.

Gill - Do you know whether our posters against littering have been placed anywhere near this area?

Steve/Robert - Can I have an assessment of the area and contract performance from your street monitors.

Thanks to you all


Councillor Jennifer Brathwaite
Labour Councillor for 
Gipsy Hill Ward
Cabinet Member for Environment and Sustainability

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