28 October 2015

Written In Dust » The Cinema Museum, London

Written In Dust » The Cinema Museum, London

Written In Dust Thu 12th Nov 19:30

Written In Dust is event cinema and music performance: a contemporary silent film set in Beijing with live music performance, which is a fusion of traditional Chinese and modern British music, composed and performed by classical Chinese musician Ling Peng and pianist/guitarist Andy Middleton. The film tells the tragic tale of three young Chinese rural migrants who come in search of the new life that modern Beijing promises. The tensions created by the pursuit of money and the repression of love lead to moral corruption, betrayal, lies and the ultimate tragedy. The film  repositions and reinvigorates the silent genre as a contemporary storytelling genre, encouraging the creation of new musical composition, collaboration and improvisation. Performance followed by Q&A with the film director, Gareth Rees, and musicians.
Doors open at 18.30 for a 19.30 start.

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