11 December 2015

Fraudster/s alert !

Dear friends and neighbours in Kennington

I have recently been made aware of incidents whereby a person has presented himself in a difficult situation e.g. broken down vehicle, lost wallet.
He claimed to be my business partner / brother and has requested money from people of Kennington who, in good faith and assuming it to be genuine, have helped the person with money.
I am extremely proud that they have helped with the understanding that this person is associated with me; however, it saddens me that he used my name to extort money from my good friends and neighbours.
Please be vigilant; it has happened on several occasions.
I strongly urge you all to be aware that this person is a fraud.

Thank you all for your kindness and loyalty.
We are a strong and extremely kind neighbourhood, 
and we are all forthcoming when we see a person who needs help.

I hope 2016 brings us all closer and we continue to look out for each other.
Sincerely wishing you all a merry Christmas and a peaceful new year.

Kowsar Hoque
(Kennington Tandoori)

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