Come along on Saturday 2nd January to visit the Cinema Museum!
About the museum The museum opened in 1986 and is a collection of everything to do with
cinema-going. The collection was started by Ronald Grant (who co-runs the museum today) and the collection is what he has collected over the last 60 years to do with the cinema (when cinema's were independent).
The collection grew far beyond its origins as an enthusiast's treasure trove to become an extensive archive of historical and social importance, and Ronald, along with Martin Humphries established the
Cinema Museum to safeguard the collections future.
The museum has posters, art deco cinema chairs, projectors, ushers' uniforms from the 1940's, tickets, ashtrays and popcorn cartons, as well as an archive boasting hundreds of books, photos and 17 million feet of film.
The museum is housed in the admin block of the old Lambeth Workhouse (built in 1873 and one of the few remaining workhouses in London), which has it's own movie links. As a young boy, Charlie Chaplin along with his half brother and mother spent one year living in the workhouse.
Before we enter, I will give a 10 minute talk on the history of the Lambeth Workhouse.
The museum is only open for group visits and we have a private talk on the collection by Ronald and Martin when we arrive. Afterwards, we will look around the museum.
We are meeting at two different time slots; 1pm and 2pm, so please indicate which time slot you prefer when you RSVP (it might default to the earlier time when you confirm, ignore that and just come along at your preferred time).
The visit should last about 1h 30mins/2 hours. After the talk, the visit is self guided.
Entry is £9 per person for Full Members and £10 for non Full Members, payable on the day (click here to become a Full Member). Afterwards we will head to the 'The Dog House pub' a short walk from the museum at 293 Kennington Road for a chat over a drink.
Please note, we only wait outside the station for 10 minutes after the advertised meeting time, so please be early or on time.
If you can't see us outside the station, please text.
Look out for the group sign:
Hope to see you there!
07905 901 834 (prefer text)
RSVP here...
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