05 April 2016

FoDL : April event: AGM and talk by Susanna Barnes, Head of Lambeth Libraries

Friends of Durning Library | A voluntary organisation to promote and support our local library

April event: AGM and talk by Susanna Barnes, Head of Lambeth Libraries

Monday 18 April:  Talk and AGM
Before the AGM, Susanna Barnes, Head of Lambeth Libraries will give an overview of the Durning’s performance, services currently offered, and possibilities for the future including national initiatives.  Her talk is entitled: “Here are found the inspiration and the facts” – Durning Library, a central role in the local community.
NB.  Talk will start at 7.10pm and the AGM at 7.50.  Everyone welcome to attend both, but only paid-up members of the Friends of at least 6 weeks standing will be entitled to vote.
This is a good opportunity to pay your £3.00 subscription for the next year.

Events are normally held on the third Monday evening in the month.
Usually 6.45  for 7.15pm at the Durning Library. Light refreshments. Everyone welcome.
No admission charge, but a £2 donation towards costs is invited.

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