27 April 2016

Kennington Park Road residents association meeting

Dear neighbours,

I have arranged a meeting for next Wednesday 4th May at 7pm at St.Mary's Church, 57 Kennington Park Road to which all residents of Kennington Park Road are invited, along with our friends and neighbours from Cleaver Square, Cleaver Street and Bowden Street Residents Association and Neighbourhood Watch; The Heart of Kennington Residents Association; Friends of Kennington Park; Kennington and Walworth Neighbourhood Action Group (KWNAG); and the Residents of Montford Place and the area surrounding Kennington Green / OAKDA redevelopment.

Representatives from TFL have been invited, along with MPs, councillors and council candidates from Princes Ward and Newington Ward. Eleanor Kerslake (councillor for Newington Ward) has confirmed that a councillor from both wards will try to attend as much of the meeting as they can. Kate Hoey has also said she will try to attend and I will continue to try to get a commitment from Neil Coyle.

TFL currently claim that they are prevented from attending a meeting with us during purdah as this is a 'political' event. I'm not an expert on the rules of purdah but I'm not convinced that this is correct - it is a meeting called by residents to which local councillors and MPs are invited. 

Given that our local councillors are now engaged in the issue, the meeting will go ahead with or without TFL and it would be helpful if as many people as possible could attend. 

We will formally inaugurate the Kennington Park Road residents association at this meeting and use it as an opportunity to share information about what other local groups have been doing to address concerns about the Northern Line Extension and traffic congestion / pollution in the area. It would be incredibly helpful to coordinate our efforts as much as possible going forward. 

Incidentally, Eleanor Kerslake said that we should have been receiving regular hard copy newsletters from TFL updating us about the NLE and informing us about the public meetings which take place on a roughly bi-monthly basis. I've spoken to a few neighbours near us and no-one seems to have received these. It would be interesting to know if anyone on KPR has received these newsletters?

There have been a few volunteers to join the KPR Residents Association committee, but we would still welcome a few more - particularly anyone from the Lambeth side of the road. 

I hope to see as many of you as possible next week.

All best wishes,

Lucy Cleeve

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