10 March 2020

Exhibitions > The Camera Club

Exhibitions > The Camera Club


MARCH, 2020


2nd Generation Children Of The Empire Windrush Era: I Have Arrived To I Am
Images of Optimism To Optimistic
Photography by Trevor Griffiths
Curated by Trevor Griffiths
Trevor seek to compose photographs that show the optimism of people and their friends whose compassionate nature embraced and loved the relationships that were most different and a contribution to its wellbeing.
The exhibition serves as a landmark to feed into a body of knowledge aiming to evoke discussions rarely talked on and hardly ever noted in the media unless it is about a celebrity or crime. This is a rare opportunity for stimulating discussions around a sea change of attitudes held by the 1st Generation of arrivals around the Era of Empire Windrush in the UK. Where the conversations were more of excitement, options and obstacles surmounted.
Inspired by many conversations around the dinner table Trevor had with his mother, father, siblings, guest and others from different cultural heritage. Where the conversation focused on the many topics such as local and national politics, education, family matters, coping with adversity, the contrast between the UK and a place called home.
With each image carry’s a poem belonging to give another dimension for the viewer as a peak into the hidden optimism of the 2nd Generation. Where the 1st Generation laid the foundation fuelled with cultural encounters and life experiences. This was further fuelled with an additional perspective creating a uniqueness, warmth and literacy depicting a thirst for knowledge, experience and adventure carried over from the parents. For others who embraced the 2nd Generation who were a mystery as depicted in Edwards Said’s book Orientalism (Pantheon Books, 1978). It is as though people on the equator from the west who went east. While taking in the gazes and engagement points, which was a prominent area of discussion and one to be of a hot topic of the day focusing on revelations and recognition.
We trust the exhibition will support curiosity to develop an insight into an aspect of the Variety in British Culture.
Open View Date: Tuesday 3rd March 2020 from 6.30 to 9pm


march 2 (Monday) - 13 (Friday)

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