07 May 2021

8 Albert Embankment Appeal reference APP/N5660/V/20/3254203

Friday, 07 May 2021

Secretary of State, Rt Hon Robert Jenrick MP


cc:   MHCLG casework manager



Dear Mr Jenrick MP

8 Albert Embankment Appeal reference APP/N5660/V/20/3254203

I write to ask you to please REFUSE planning permission for the proposed development at 8 Albert Embankment

This is another seriously flawed proposal that will negatively impact on our neighbourhood forever if allowed to proceed. 

Lambeth Council cares not a hoot for Kennington, a neighbourhood that is much loved and precious to so many of us, despite attempts to ravage us by local and London-wide authorities over the years.

Please will you speak up for us and act in the best interests for our community now and for generations to come?

Yet again, Lambeth Council’s support for this proposal is misguided at best and, in my opinion, grossly incompetent. 

For your scrutiny, the poor folks at Lambeth Village have gone to great lengths to elaborate in detail the negligence of the Council’s casework and I strongly urge you to fully consider their points. 

Personally, I think it is shocking that public authorities can act in such an obscene manner as to force local people, including so many unpaid volunteers, to the extremes of stress and despair, damaging our wellbeing and causing mental harm, in order to protect our neighbourhood from these gross proposals that would destroy the heritage, amenity and even plunge the community into darkness with these monstrous proposals.

I note that a similar ridiculous proposal for another enormously-high building at 250 Kennington Lane (20/03832/FUL - 250 Kennington Lane and 2 - 10 Dolland Street London SE11) was knocked back with this note from the developers:

After nearly two and half years of discussions with Planning Officers, regrettably, the team reached an impasse on daylight sunlight impacts. This was the only issue, but Officers advised that they would be unable to support the proposal unless the scheme was substantially reduced, which rendered the development completely unviable.

Are Planning Officers finally beginning to learn and pay attention, perhaps?

Sadly, similar local carbuncles are slipping through the system and may well find their way to your desk, such as the site in Montford Place (20/01086/FUL Land to the East of Montford Place, Kennington London SE11 5DE) and there are others.

I hope you will give the matter now before you suitable attention and scrutiny and REFUSE.

Yours sincerely

Cathy Preece

235B Kennington Lane SE11 5QU

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