10 June 2021

Just so you know... KNews has switched from FeedBurner to Follow.It for email subscriptions

Dear Subscribers to Kennington News

Google announced that it's stopping its Feedburner subscription service
FollowByEmail widget (FeedBurner) is going away
You are receiving this information because your blog uses the FollowByEmail widget (FeedBurner).
Recently, the FeedBurner team released a system update announcement that the email subscription service will be discontinued in July 2021. 

follow.it has offered a free replacement service
I've asked around it and am told it's OK 
So have made the change for active subscribers
and will delete the Feedburner widget

The people at follow.it say:
The next step: Let your readers know in a new blog post that you switched to follow.it so that they are not surprised.
Also it's good to write a post about it because:
- You get new subscribers (and hence more people come back to your website when you publish new posts)
- You can let them know about all the additional features they can now use (which didn’t exist on Feedburner), e.g. on https://follow.it/kenningtonnews?action=followPub&filter they can now define filters and more delivery channels, e.g. to receive your news via Telegram, news page etc. (many others to follow soon)
- If you link to https://follow.it in your article, we’re happy to give you a 10 USD credit :)

Hope this all works out OK - not sure what we'll do with any credit...?

All the best

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