Cops shopped: officers park on red route, bus and cycle lane to pop to Tesco | News
25 July 2011
22 July 2011
Beaconsfield Exhibition: Gaming in Waziristan
Gaming in Waziristan
Noor Behram | Butler Brothers | Nooshin Fahrid
19 July – 5 August, 2011, Tuesday – Friday, 11am-5pm

Image: Copyright Noor Behram, documentary photograph of Noor Syed, aged 8, 2009
Artists have always worked with trauma be it personal or collective and never has it been easier to access other people's trauma via the volume of imagery available for plunder through global technology. The use of documentary images and 'found' footage is endemic to contemporary visual arts practice, often employed by ideologically driven practitioners and sometimes exploited for sensation. Beaconsfield responds to a 'peaceful call to arms' issued by the human rights agency Reprieve to cultural practitioners.
21 July 6-9pm
Exhibition launch with Clive Stafford Smith in conversation with Shahzad Akbar
Noor Behram has taken considerable risks to document what we in the democratic west might consider to be abuses of basic human rights, drawing our attention to a huge increase, on Obama's watch, in the use of unmanned aircraft for the "War on Terror". Following the example set by the US, within twenty years nearly one third of the RAF could be made up remotely controlled drones. What are the implications of conducting war according to the ethics of Nintendo? Reprieve founder Clive Stafford Smith, along with Pakistani human rights lawyer Shahzad Akbar, speaks to launch the exhibition Gaming in Waziristan. Reprieve will be promoting their new arts initiative “Bugsplat” at the event. (“Bugsplat” is the official term used by the US authorities when human beings are successfully killed with drone missiles).
Clive Adrian Stafford Smith OBE is a British lawyer who specialises in the areas of civil rights and the death penalty in the United States of America. He is the founder of the human rights organization Reprieve and in 2005 received the Gandhi International Peace Award.
Noor Behram, Documents from the Frontier, 2007-2011
A cache of hitherto unseen images taken by a local journalist in the tribal regions of Pakistan reveal the unequal human cost of remotely controlled war machines.
Butler Brothers, The Ethical Governor, 2010
Butler Brothers employ the codes and aesthetics of 3D animation to provide a satirical critique of Western capitalism and its imperialist imperatives.
Nooshin Farhid, Conic Studies, 2010
Farhid sifts through information-overload to construct elusive collages of moving image, alluding to the structures of power.
The exhibition Gaming in Waziristan is curated by Beaconsfield to deliver a cultural context in which to debate the issues raised by documentary photographs in possession of Reprieve. With special thanks to Alexa de Ferranti, Iben la Cour and Southampton Solent University.
Reprieve uses the law to enforce the human rights of prisoners, from death row to Guantánamo Bay.

22 Newport Street
London SE11 6AY
+44 (0)20 7582 6465
Beaconsfield is a Regularly Funded Organisation of Arts Council England and looks forward to working with ACE as a National Portfolio Organisation.
Beaconsfield’s Canteen and Arch Galleries are fully accessible but we regret that there is no wheelchair access to our Upper Gallery. Please call in advance for a parking space.
Noor Behram | Butler Brothers | Nooshin Fahrid
19 July – 5 August, 2011, Tuesday – Friday, 11am-5pm
Image: Copyright Noor Behram, documentary photograph of Noor Syed, aged 8, 2009
Artists have always worked with trauma be it personal or collective and never has it been easier to access other people's trauma via the volume of imagery available for plunder through global technology. The use of documentary images and 'found' footage is endemic to contemporary visual arts practice, often employed by ideologically driven practitioners and sometimes exploited for sensation. Beaconsfield responds to a 'peaceful call to arms' issued by the human rights agency Reprieve to cultural practitioners.
21 July 6-9pm
Exhibition launch with Clive Stafford Smith in conversation with Shahzad Akbar
Noor Behram has taken considerable risks to document what we in the democratic west might consider to be abuses of basic human rights, drawing our attention to a huge increase, on Obama's watch, in the use of unmanned aircraft for the "War on Terror". Following the example set by the US, within twenty years nearly one third of the RAF could be made up remotely controlled drones. What are the implications of conducting war according to the ethics of Nintendo? Reprieve founder Clive Stafford Smith, along with Pakistani human rights lawyer Shahzad Akbar, speaks to launch the exhibition Gaming in Waziristan. Reprieve will be promoting their new arts initiative “Bugsplat” at the event. (“Bugsplat” is the official term used by the US authorities when human beings are successfully killed with drone missiles).
Clive Adrian Stafford Smith OBE is a British lawyer who specialises in the areas of civil rights and the death penalty in the United States of America. He is the founder of the human rights organization Reprieve and in 2005 received the Gandhi International Peace Award.
Noor Behram, Documents from the Frontier, 2007-2011
A cache of hitherto unseen images taken by a local journalist in the tribal regions of Pakistan reveal the unequal human cost of remotely controlled war machines.
Butler Brothers, The Ethical Governor, 2010
Butler Brothers employ the codes and aesthetics of 3D animation to provide a satirical critique of Western capitalism and its imperialist imperatives.
Nooshin Farhid, Conic Studies, 2010
Farhid sifts through information-overload to construct elusive collages of moving image, alluding to the structures of power.
The exhibition Gaming in Waziristan is curated by Beaconsfield to deliver a cultural context in which to debate the issues raised by documentary photographs in possession of Reprieve. With special thanks to Alexa de Ferranti, Iben la Cour and Southampton Solent University.
Reprieve uses the law to enforce the human rights of prisoners, from death row to Guantánamo Bay.
22 Newport Street
London SE11 6AY
+44 (0)20 7582 6465
Beaconsfield is a Regularly Funded Organisation of Arts Council England and looks forward to working with ACE as a National Portfolio Organisation.
Beaconsfield’s Canteen and Arch Galleries are fully accessible but we regret that there is no wheelchair access to our Upper Gallery. Please call in advance for a parking space.
PREVIEW INVITATION: Baudouin Mouanda, Friday 29 July 6.30-9pm
Baudouin Mouanda EXHIBITION PREVIEW: FRIDAY 29 JULY, 6.30 - 9PM |
Gasworks presents the first solo exhibition in the UK by award-winning Congolese photographer Baudouin Mouanda. Focusing on the subcultures of urban Congo, Mouanda's work addresses how international forms of culture and their market-led dissemination impact upon the constitution of a local culture. His images offer an insight into the shifting aspirations of young people in modern day Congo, looking at their manners of self-expression and documenting acts of determination or resistance in the face of common adversities. La Sapologie (2008), the main body of work in the exhibition, looks at the lives of Sapeurs. Having emerged in African and diasporic communities over the past 25 years, Sapeurs are often read as a post-colonial, globalised take on the Parisian dandies of the late 18th and early 19th Century. Mostly young men, they parade about in extravagant designer clothes, carving out ostentatious identities through style, gestures and slang. These images are shown alongside the series Délestage (2010) and Sur le trotoir du savoir (2011), which look at strategies for dealing with a collapsing energy infrastructure, and Hip Hop et société (2009) that captures the politically outspoken Hip Hop scenes of Libreville and Brazzaville. The exhibition also includes recent studies of youth culture in the UK produced during Mouanda’s residencies at Gasworks and Deveron Arts in Huntly, North East Scotland. The exhibition continues until 18 September 2011. |
FRIDAY 24 AUGUST, 7PM SLAM LAST FRIDAYS: EXHIBITION TOUR An informal tour introduces Baudouin Mouanda's solo exhibition, offering an insight into the themes that run through his photographic work. The gallery stays open until 9pm. |
SATURDAY 17 SEPTEMBER, 2-4PM TALK: JENNIFER BAJOREK ON BAUDOUIN MOUANDA Jennifer Bajorek, Senior Lecturer in Cultural Studies at Goldsmiths College, discusses Baudouin Mouanda’s exhibition at Gasworks. She looks at the value of collectivity and peer-led networking to young West African photographers of his generation and the ways in which lens-based practices provide a useful insight into the development of a continent. |
The exhibition preview at Gasworks is part of South London Art Map Last Fridays - a late night opening of over 90 galleries in South London on the last Friday of every month. Visit South London Art Map to see what else is on and to print your itinerary. |
STUDIO VOLTAIRE: OPEN HOUSE EVENT FRIDAY 6 – 9pm & SATURDAY 12 – 6pm The artists at Studio Voltaire open their workspaces to the public, bringing a unique opportunity to view the diverse range of artworks that are produced within the 30 studios onsite. The event includes artist talks, screenings and drop-in family events. |

Prayer Walk following shooting on Black Prince Road
Dear All,
I write on behalf of the clergy and ministry team of North Lambeth Parish following the shooting of Jaden McCalla on Black Prince Road on 12th July 2011.
Having spoken with members of the local community, North Lambeth Parish will be leading a short prayer walk from St Anselm's Church on Sunday 24th July at 6.30pm. The walk will be in silence.
Jaden as you may know was shot three times on Tuesday by a group of youths on bicycles. His younger brother Anthony was arrested in connection with the shooting of Thusha on Stockwell Road. Jaden remain in critical condition. Thusha I understand is paralysed from the waist down.
If you are able to join the clergy and members of the congregation, please do let me know in advance.
If you cannot attend please do hold the walk in your prayers.
With many thanks,
PS for more information on the incident see: http://southeasteleven.
David Longe
North Lambeth Parish,
Centenary Hall
Cottington Street
London SE11 4RZ
Parish Office: 020 7735 3403
Home: 020 3005 4613North Lambeth Parish,
Centenary Hall
Cottington Street
London SE11 4RZ
Parish Office: 020 7735 3403
Day off: Friday
Pathways @ Kennington Cross is a new and exciting project at St Anselm's for details please see: http://www.pathwaysse11.
21 July 2011
20 July 2011
Charity Auction: Here's a taster of what's come in so far....
Dear Neighbours

Behind the scenes our volunteers are busy working on our Annual Charity Auction in September.
Huge thanks to Winkworth Estate Agents at Kennington Cross for sponsoring our Auction to the tune of £1000!! This will more than cover the costs involved in pulling it all together.
As last year, the Auction will be held at the City & Guilds of London Art School on Kennington Park Road. The date is Thursday, 22nd September with a preview the evening before. This year, we are looking for paintings, small sculptures, figurines etc. that will bring in at least £20 each. We also are most anxious to receive vouchers from local businesses for restaurant meals, or food or wine or services – anything from baking a special-occasion cake to cleaning a patio!
We are already taking donations – artworks can be dropped off at the Countryside Alliance, The Old Town Hall, 367 Kennington Road SE11 4PT. Just phone Sarah Lee on 020 7840 9253 before you turn up. Note: It’s essential you fill out a donation form (below) and attach it to the work of art. Vouchers for pledges can be sent to KA at the below address.
Also, we still need a volunteer to coordinate volunteers! This mostly entails phoning around to get people to help out sorting, cleaning and moving items for the Auction. We have a check-list of tasks – you’ll just be asked to match up names with the job! You’ll also be asked to attend a few meetings of the Auction subcommittee to coordinate your activities with the other workers – we have nearly a dozen so far so you’ll meet new people and have fun as well.
The next meeting of the Auction sub-group is on Wednesday 3rd August at 2.30pm at Madeira Star Café, 337-339 Kennington Rd SE11 4QE in the back room downstairs. If you are willing to volunteer to work on the Auction, you would be most welcome to join us.
Here's a taste of what's to come....
19 July 2011
New show at the Young Vic... coming soon - Free tickets available for local residents and groups
Hello Friends, (apologies in advance if you have already received information - please feel free to pass this onto people/groups who might be interested)
I’m emailing to let you know about the next exciting show coming up to the Young Vic and I would absolutely love to invite you and your group to come along to see a wonderfully dark Irish Comedy that will leave you crying with laughter or astonishment!
This show was on last year and was SO POPULAR we have decided to bring it back in all it’s Irish Glory! So if your group came along last year and some other people want to come this time - here is their opportunity!
So have a read below and let me know what you think. If you would like to reserve some tickets for your group don’t hesitate to get in touch. If you want to know more, drop me a line!
Can’t wait to see you here soon!
Two Boroughs Project FREE Tickets AVAILABLE!
The Beauty Queen of Leenane (Recommended for ages 15+)
In an Irish village in the early 90’s - a lonely spinster Maureen and her devilishly manipulative mother Mag live together, not in peace and harmony! Maureen is desperate to get out and find love, but who will look after her mother if she leaves?
You won’t want to miss this unique blend of melodrama, horror, bleak tragedy and black comedy!
Two Boroughs Community Tickets available on the following dates
Friday 22 July at 7.30pm
Saturday 23 July at 7.30pm
Monday 25 July at 7.30pm
Thursday 28 July at 7.30pm
Wednesday 10 August at 2.30pm
How to Book and Get in Touch
Groups can book a maximum of 25 tickets
Individuals can book up to 4 tickets
Everyone who takes part in our activities must be a resident of Lambeth or Southwark, or be part of a local community group. This means anyone you bring with you on the nights we have free tickets must also be a residents of Lambeth or Southwark, or belong to your group!
Please note:
All tickets are subject to availability and we regret that young children will not be able to gain entrance to the auditorium, please call if you need more information.
Best wishes, Kirstin
Kirstin Shirling
Two Boroughs Projects Manager
Taking Part
Direct line: 020 7922 2861
Young Vic Theatre Company
66 The Cut, London, SE1 8LZ
t: 020 7922 2800
Registered name
The Young Vic Company
Registered office
66 The Cut, London SE1 8LZ
A company limited by guarantee, registered in England & Wales no:1188209
11 July 2011
White Bear Theatre: Concession rate tickets for all Kennington Association Members
Ruby In The Dust
Bel Ami
A musical adaptation of a
Guy de Maupassant Story
Guy de Maupassant Story
Newly arrived in Paris, penniless, impressionable Georges Du Roy is dazzled by the glamour and decadence of the “Belle Epoque”. Desperate to be a part of this society he secures a job with the corrupt and sleazy newspaper, “La Vie Francaise”, but quickly finds himself entangled in a complicated web of women, sex and political intrigue.
Georges discovers that it is sex that can bring him what he desires.
Plumbing the depths of depravity and decadence, of rich grandeur and seedy despair, a shocking truth is revealed, which Georges uses to his own advantage. In a way that surprises even himself.
Ruby In The Dust present the world premiere of this musical adaptation featuring original live music and songs performed by the actors on a violin, clarinet, saxophone and piano, the piece is set in fin de siècle Paris. The action unfolds in the cafes, salons and burlesque clubs.
Reviews from previous Ruby in the Dust productions
“...Heady, seedy seduction...”
The Times (“Dorian Gray” 2010)
“…The live musical accompaniment is one of the major pleasures of this evocative production…”
Time Out (“Poprygunya” 2009)
Performance Dates:
July 12th To July 31st
Tuesday – Saturday at 7.30pm, Sundays at 5.30pm
Tickets: £13 (£10 Conc.)
Box Office: 020 7793 9193
Online Booking:
White Bear Theatre
138 Kennington Park Road
SE11 4DJ
2 minutes walk from Kennington Tube (Northern Line)
Buses: 133, 155, 196, 333, 415
The White Bear Theatre Club is offering concession rate to all Kennington Association members. That’s only £10 per ticket!
To book call 020 7793 9193 and quote ‘Kennington Association Offer’.
The White Bear now has it’s own Exclusive Lounge Area where patrons can sit and enjoy a drink and a chat before the show. The theatre itself is fully air conditioned and is now thoroughly soundproofed from the pub.
FoDL: Joe Treasure at the Durning Library on 18 July
Friends of the Durning Library
Monday 18 July
Finding a Voice
Joe Treasure
reads from his novels
‘The Male Gaze’ and ‘Besotted’
and talks about writing with attitude -
and the struggle to fend off clichés, poetry and jokes.
6.45 for 7.15 at the Durning Library
167 Kennington Lane, SE11 4HF
(at Kennington Cross, just east of Kennington Road)
Light refreshments
Everyone welcome
No admission charge,
but a £2 donation towards costs is invited.
08 July 2011
Waris Dirie in London school's female circumcision film
Waris Dirie in London school's female circumcision film

Somali model Waris Dirie was a victim of the practice as a child
Girls from a south London school have made a film to raise awareness of female genital mutilation (FGM).
07 July 2011
Invitation for Community Meeting re Michaela Community School: Monday 18th July 7pm Ethelred Estate Community Youth Club 7 Lollard St SE11 6QH
Dear Neighbours
As many of our members are aware, a new secondary school, Michaela Community School, has been proposed to open in the Lilian Baylis Old School this autumn. The school is being proposed by Katharine Birbalsingh, who has featured in the news lately. The school would be one of the proposed ‘free schools’ that the government is encouraging parents and community groups to set up.
As many of our members are aware, a new secondary school, Michaela Community School, has been proposed to open in the Lilian Baylis Old School this autumn. The school is being proposed by Katharine Birbalsingh, who has featured in the news lately. The school would be one of the proposed ‘free schools’ that the government is encouraging parents and community groups to set up.
Many people are curious to know more about this school and how it will relate to our neighbourhood state schools, which are under Council jurisdiction. To this end, the Kennington Association has set up a meeting with Katharine Birbalsingh so that she can present her plans and we will have an opportunity to question her about them.
KA is not endorsing the plans but, given the interest KA has always had in this site, we should hear all proposals, including the Council's.
Monday 18th July 7pm
Ethelred Estate Community Youth Club
7 Lollard St SE11 6QH
Ethelred Estate Community Youth Club
7 Lollard St SE11 6QH
Anna Tapsell
03 July 2011
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