28 July 2018

Labour MP Kate Hoey vows to fight deselection - BBC News

Labour MP Kate Hoey vows to fight deselection - BBC News

03 July 2018

🚌🌹LHS Coach trip : Saturday 7th July – Magdalen College Gardens / Oxford Botanic Garden – Cost £29

Dear Companions

This month's LHS Coach Trip is to Oxford :
Magdalen College Gardens and Oxford Botanic Garden

Follow this link and see below for further details.

The Kennington pick-up is the bus stop on Kennington Road on the corner of Black Prince Road at 9am.
There are 3 other pick-up points across Lambeth
Contact Brendan for full details: brendan.byrne1@tiscali.co.uk

I expect to join you so hope to see you then
Best wishes

​Saturday 7th July
Magdalen College Gardens, Oxford OX1 4AU
The 60 acres of gardens includes the Deer Park and College lawns. Of the numerous trees, some are over 200 years old. There are notable herbaceous and shrub plantings. The meadows are celebrated, and Addison’s Walk is a pretty tree-lined riverside path by the Cherwell.
We are not allowed to picnic in Magdalen’s grounds, but there is a riverside cafeteria where refreshments and light lunches are served.
University of Oxford Botanic Garden, Oxford, OX1 4AZ
The oldest Botanical Garden in Great Britain and one of the oldest scientific gardens in the world, it was founded in 1621 as a physic garden growing plants for medicinal research.
Plants from all over the world are grown in 7 glasshouses, water and rock gardens. 5000 different plants can be seen, many in a large herbaceous border and walled garden. The National Collection of hardy euphorbias is here, and a fruit and vegetable collection.
A Pop-Up café in the garden sells drinks and cakes. There is a café across the road and several more nearby.  We can come and go at any time, but please keep your ticket! Those of us who bring our own lunch may have it in the garden.

Motorcyclist hospitalised after 'serious collision' with lorry in Kennington - Southwark News

Motorcyclist hospitalised after 'serious collision' with lorry in Kennington - Southwark News
... Officers received reports of a collision on the junction of Kennington Road and Wincott Street from the ambulance service at around 12.15 pm on Friday, June 29 ...