Oliver Letwin: Top controversies of gaffe-prone Old Etonian Conservative minister
... an embarrassing apology in 2003 for apparently saying he would
rather beg for private school fees than send his children to a state
school in Kennington. ...
31 December 2015
Florence Lindsey obituary | Politics | The Guardian
Florence Lindsey obituary | Politics | The Guardian
... She was born in Lambeth, eldest of five daughters of Florence (nee Meredith) and Arthur Cole ... By the 1950s my parents had saved up enough to acquire a leather goods and shoe-repairing business at Kennington Cross, and my mother became bookkeeper, head buyer and manager of my father and one employee. Syd became a Labour councillor in Lambeth and Florence served as a school governor at Henry Fawcett primary school at Kennington Oval ...
... She was born in Lambeth, eldest of five daughters of Florence (nee Meredith) and Arthur Cole ... By the 1950s my parents had saved up enough to acquire a leather goods and shoe-repairing business at Kennington Cross, and my mother became bookkeeper, head buyer and manager of my father and one employee. Syd became a Labour councillor in Lambeth and Florence served as a school governor at Henry Fawcett primary school at Kennington Oval ...
30 December 2015
New kids on the bloc | South London Press
New kids on the bloc | South London Press
... Project organiser, Wesley John Evans, 35, a community worker from
Kennington, said: “We are celebrating the culture of Brixton, which is
changing. ...
... Project organiser, Wesley John Evans, 35, a community worker from
Kennington, said: “We are celebrating the culture of Brixton, which is
changing. ...
28 December 2015
Saturday 2nd January : The Cinema Museum - The London Cultureseekers Group - Meet People in London! (London, England) - Meetup
The Cinema Museum - The London Cultureseekers Group - Meet People in London! (London, England) - Meetup
Come along on Saturday 2nd January to visit the Cinema Museum!
About the museum The museum opened in 1986 and is a collection of everything to do with
cinema-going. The collection was started by Ronald Grant (who co-runs the museum today) and the collection is what he has collected over the last 60 years to do with the cinema (when cinema's were independent).
The collection grew far beyond its origins as an enthusiast's treasure trove to become an extensive archive of historical and social importance, and Ronald, along with Martin Humphries established the
Cinema Museum to safeguard the collections future.
The museum has posters, art deco cinema chairs, projectors, ushers' uniforms from the 1940's, tickets, ashtrays and popcorn cartons, as well as an archive boasting hundreds of books, photos and 17 million feet of film.
The museum is housed in the admin block of the old Lambeth Workhouse (built in 1873 and one of the few remaining workhouses in London), which has it's own movie links. As a young boy, Charlie Chaplin along with his half brother and mother spent one year living in the workhouse.
Before we enter, I will give a 10 minute talk on the history of the Lambeth Workhouse.

The museum is only open for group visits and we have a private talk on the collection by Ronald and Martin when we arrive. Afterwards, we will look around the museum.
We are meeting at two different time slots; 1pm and 2pm, so please indicate which time slot you prefer when you RSVP (it might default to the earlier time when you confirm, ignore that and just come along at your preferred time).
The visit should last about 1h 30mins/2 hours. After the talk, the visit is self guided.
Entry is £9 per person for Full Members and £10 for non Full Members, payable on the day (click here to become a Full Member). Afterwards we will head to the 'The Dog House pub' a short walk from the museum at 293 Kennington Road for a chat over a drink.

Please note, we only wait outside the station for 10 minutes after the advertised meeting time, so please be early or on time.
If you can't see us outside the station, please text.
Look out for the group sign:

Hope to see you there!
07905 901 834 (prefer text)
RSVP here...
Come along on Saturday 2nd January to visit the Cinema Museum!
About the museum The museum opened in 1986 and is a collection of everything to do with
cinema-going. The collection was started by Ronald Grant (who co-runs the museum today) and the collection is what he has collected over the last 60 years to do with the cinema (when cinema's were independent).
The collection grew far beyond its origins as an enthusiast's treasure trove to become an extensive archive of historical and social importance, and Ronald, along with Martin Humphries established the
Cinema Museum to safeguard the collections future.
The museum has posters, art deco cinema chairs, projectors, ushers' uniforms from the 1940's, tickets, ashtrays and popcorn cartons, as well as an archive boasting hundreds of books, photos and 17 million feet of film.
The museum is housed in the admin block of the old Lambeth Workhouse (built in 1873 and one of the few remaining workhouses in London), which has it's own movie links. As a young boy, Charlie Chaplin along with his half brother and mother spent one year living in the workhouse.
Before we enter, I will give a 10 minute talk on the history of the Lambeth Workhouse.

The museum is only open for group visits and we have a private talk on the collection by Ronald and Martin when we arrive. Afterwards, we will look around the museum.
We are meeting at two different time slots; 1pm and 2pm, so please indicate which time slot you prefer when you RSVP (it might default to the earlier time when you confirm, ignore that and just come along at your preferred time).
The visit should last about 1h 30mins/2 hours. After the talk, the visit is self guided.
Entry is £9 per person for Full Members and £10 for non Full Members, payable on the day (click here to become a Full Member). Afterwards we will head to the 'The Dog House pub' a short walk from the museum at 293 Kennington Road for a chat over a drink.

Please note, we only wait outside the station for 10 minutes after the advertised meeting time, so please be early or on time.
If you can't see us outside the station, please text.
Look out for the group sign:

Hope to see you there!
07905 901 834 (prefer text)
RSVP here...
27 December 2015
FoDL : Monday 18 January, 2016: Life in Valhalla: a scientist at the World Bank
Events | Friends of Durning Library
6.45 for 7.00pm at the Durning Library. Light refreshments. Everyone welcome. No admission charge, but a £2 donation towards costs is invited......
Monday 18 January, 2016: Life in Valhalla: a scientist at the World Bank
When long-term Kennington resident Dr Josephine Hykin joined the World Bank in Washington, she found it was challenging, exciting and rewarding work. She helped universities, research institutes and civil servants to realise their projects in 18 countries. Her stories give a flavour of the diversity of work in this multi-faceted development agency.6.45 for 7.00pm at the Durning Library. Light refreshments. Everyone welcome. No admission charge, but a £2 donation towards costs is invited......
25 December 2015
The high price of cheap living: how the property guardianship dream soured | Society | The Guardian
The high price of cheap living: how the property guardianship dream soured | Society | The Guardian
Property guardianship was once a win-win situation. empty buildings secured and bargain rents offered. For many the reality today is different. an underclass of renters with limited rights in grim conditions – and landowners milking the system to pay less tax ... One guardian described viewing “rooms that were like chicken coops” in Kennington, south London, which were being offered by a guardian company for £500 a month. It was a single space “with rows of plyboard walls and no natural light, no ventilation”. ....
Property guardianship was once a win-win situation. empty buildings secured and bargain rents offered. For many the reality today is different. an underclass of renters with limited rights in grim conditions – and landowners milking the system to pay less tax ... One guardian described viewing “rooms that were like chicken coops” in Kennington, south London, which were being offered by a guardian company for £500 a month. It was a single space “with rows of plyboard walls and no natural light, no ventilation”. ....
24 December 2015
Knitwear Designer - Kennington, South East London (SE11) - Job: 64342001 - RetailChoice.com
Knitwear Designer - Kennington, South East London (SE11) - Job: 64342001 - RetailChoice.com
Job details for a Knitwear Designer job in Kennington, South East London (SE11) listed at RetailChoice.com - 64342001.
Job details for a Knitwear Designer job in Kennington, South East London (SE11) listed at RetailChoice.com - 64342001.
23 December 2015
Morning Star :: ROUND-UP 2015
Morning Star :: ROUND-UP 2015
... From the massive Chartist demonstration on Kennington Common in 1848 to the middle-class dissidents of the Bloomsbury set and the class-conscious ...
... From the massive Chartist demonstration on Kennington Common in 1848 to the middle-class dissidents of the Bloomsbury set and the class-conscious ...
Hairdressers Which Caters For All Genders And Sexes Launches Crowd Funding Campaign | Londonist
Hairdressers Which Caters For All Genders And Sexes Launches Crowd Funding Campaign | Londonist
... The current salon in Kennington is fully booked two weeks in advance and offers up to 75 appointments a week. With homophobic hate crimes up by 29.3% in ...
... The current salon in Kennington is fully booked two weeks in advance and offers up to 75 appointments a week. With homophobic hate crimes up by 29.3% in ...
9 secrets and little known things about the London Tube | Metro News
9 secrets and little known things about the London Tube | Metro News
But what happens if you just…stay…on the train?
On the Northbound platform, it seems. The Kennington Loop means you’ll be taken all the way round to a platform heading back up North on the same branch.
Don’t believe us? This guy actually did it for your own entertainment.
6) If you stay on the Northern Line at Kennington, you’ll end up looping round to the Northbound platform
If you travel Southbound on the Charing Cross branch of the Northern Line, you probably know that you’re forced to get off and change platforms if you want to go any further south.But what happens if you just…stay…on the train?
On the Northbound platform, it seems. The Kennington Loop means you’ll be taken all the way round to a platform heading back up North on the same branch.
Don’t believe us? This guy actually did it for your own entertainment.
Christmas 2015: Ten cosy fireside pubs in London – The Upcoming
Christmas 2015: Ten cosy fireside pubs in London – The Upcoming
The Old Red Lion, Kennington
Converted toilet stalls offer both cosiness and privacy as snug seating alcoves in this Tudor-style pub, the perfect environment in which to out-drink the winter nights. Mulled wine and ale alike are on offer here, as well as a strong selection of pub grub and blankets for those who simply must go outside.
For further information about The Old Red Lion, 42 Kennington Park Road, London SE11 4RS visit here.
22 December 2015
Happy Holidays!!
Dear Companions
A good year for friends meeting friends: outings included visiting gardens, wildlife reserves, historic homes, and Winchester; riding the miniature railway from Hythe to Dungeness; Sadlers Wells’ Legend of the Sun ballet from China, Happy Days at the Young Vic starring Juliet Stevenson, and Suffragette; as well as the Gypsy Traveller Summer Fair; walking [Havering to Harold Wood - finishing the LOOP after only 13 years!; and Two Tree Island to Leigh-on-Sea]. The highlight was a fabulous day on PS Waverley, the last sea-going paddle steamer in the world, from Tower Pier - via Gravesend and Southend-on-Sea - out to sea, then paddling about to return up river into an outstanding sunset over London with Tower Bridge opening up to let us back into port.
Dining out in style: ‘Lunch like a Lord’ in the Peers Dining Room at the House of Lords; the Duchy Arms; Sherlock Holmes pub near Charing Cross; The Quality Chop House in Farringdon; brunch at The Red Lion; burgers at the Beehive; and the Magpie Kitchen at Roots and Shoots. Ye Olde Cheshire Cheese is next, so be in touch if you’re interested.
On the buses with our Freedom Passes took us out as far as Barnet, Uxbridge, Docklands, and past Romford to Gallows Corner. With over 400 bus routes we’ll need to live until we’re 120 to complete them so, to play it safe, we’ve started at the highest numbers working our way backwards as well. It is a fabulous way to explore Greater London. We’ll ride the # 36 on Sunday 27th December so let us know if you’d like to join us.
So many Companions helped with the recces for the ‘London after the Fire’ pub walk in the City, each time finding something else of interest. Other walks were in Greenwich; and Belgravia; and this past week ‘Southwark: Prisoners and Playwrights’, which I’ll do for a couple of voluntary groups this year - so calling on Companions for more help on recces, please.
A good year for online sales of books and CD/DVDs for the Friends of the Durning Library: since February 2014 we’ve raised £289.48 - £208.95 in the past year alone! Another trolley load from the blue bin in the library this week and the shelves stacked again so a great start for the New Year! Thank you for supporting this initiative.
Kennington News continues to be well read, with currently over seven and a half thousand page views a month, indicating that our local community is avidly interested in the neighbourhood; really quite remarkable for a London that once seemed so anonymous.
Enjoy the holidays!
Best wishes
A good year for friends meeting friends: outings included visiting gardens, wildlife reserves, historic homes, and Winchester; riding the miniature railway from Hythe to Dungeness; Sadlers Wells’ Legend of the Sun ballet from China, Happy Days at the Young Vic starring Juliet Stevenson, and Suffragette; as well as the Gypsy Traveller Summer Fair; walking [Havering to Harold Wood - finishing the LOOP after only 13 years!; and Two Tree Island to Leigh-on-Sea]. The highlight was a fabulous day on PS Waverley, the last sea-going paddle steamer in the world, from Tower Pier - via Gravesend and Southend-on-Sea - out to sea, then paddling about to return up river into an outstanding sunset over London with Tower Bridge opening up to let us back into port.
Dining out in style: ‘Lunch like a Lord’ in the Peers Dining Room at the House of Lords; the Duchy Arms; Sherlock Holmes pub near Charing Cross; The Quality Chop House in Farringdon; brunch at The Red Lion; burgers at the Beehive; and the Magpie Kitchen at Roots and Shoots. Ye Olde Cheshire Cheese is next, so be in touch if you’re interested.
On the buses with our Freedom Passes took us out as far as Barnet, Uxbridge, Docklands, and past Romford to Gallows Corner. With over 400 bus routes we’ll need to live until we’re 120 to complete them so, to play it safe, we’ve started at the highest numbers working our way backwards as well. It is a fabulous way to explore Greater London. We’ll ride the # 36 on Sunday 27th December so let us know if you’d like to join us.
So many Companions helped with the recces for the ‘London after the Fire’ pub walk in the City, each time finding something else of interest. Other walks were in Greenwich; and Belgravia; and this past week ‘Southwark: Prisoners and Playwrights’, which I’ll do for a couple of voluntary groups this year - so calling on Companions for more help on recces, please.
A good year for online sales of books and CD/DVDs for the Friends of the Durning Library: since February 2014 we’ve raised £289.48 - £208.95 in the past year alone! Another trolley load from the blue bin in the library this week and the shelves stacked again so a great start for the New Year! Thank you for supporting this initiative.
Kennington News continues to be well read, with currently over seven and a half thousand page views a month, indicating that our local community is avidly interested in the neighbourhood; really quite remarkable for a London that once seemed so anonymous.
Enjoy the holidays!
Best wishes
21 December 2015
Matthew Barrett: Fifty years on, it’s time to tear up Greater London. | Conservative Home
Matthew Barrett: Fifty years on, it’s time to tear up Greater London. | Conservative Home
... Surrey play not just at Kennington, but at Croydon, too. Kent cross the boundary from Canterbury and play at Beckenham. Essex do not merely leave Chelmsford ... ...
... Surrey play not just at Kennington, but at Croydon, too. Kent cross the boundary from Canterbury and play at Beckenham. Essex do not merely leave Chelmsford ... ...
Should buildings be a priority for the Church? - BBC News

Should buildings be a priority for the Church? - BBC News
... St Mary Newington was bombed during the Second World War ...
20 December 2015
The Vito Project Presents Cabaret (1972) and Party » The Cinema Museum, London
The Vito Project Presents Cabaret (1972) and Party » The Cinema Museum, London

The Vito Project presents Cabaret (1972) Wed 30th Dec 18:00
ReShape and the Cinema Museum have launched the VITO Project, a series of free monthly screenings bringing generations of LGBTs together to watch films and share ideas.
To celebrate the first year of the VITO Project and mark the end of 2015, the screening will be Cabaret, which needs no introduction!! The screening will start early at 18.00 (Doors will open at 17.00) and will be followed by a 1930s themed party! We are hoping to see many Sally Bowles in the audience!
This is a free event, but donations to the Museum will be welcome.
Open Bethlehem » The Cinema Museum, London
Open Bethlehem » The Cinema Museum, London

The Kennington Bethlehem Link presents Open Bethlehem (2014)
The Kennington Bethlehem Link presents Open Bethlehem (2014)
with Q&A Mon 21st Dec 18:30
The Kennington Bethlehem Link presents a special Christmas screening of Leila Sansour’s acclaimed documentary film Open Bethlehem (2014). The film follows Palestinian director Leila Sansour's extraordinary journey to the legendary city of Bethlehem, the place where she grew up. Armed with a camera and a family car that keeps breaking down, she sets out to make an intimate portrait of a historical town in peril.
The film will be followed by a discussion with Leila Sansour and Sir Vincent Fean KCVO (former British Consul General, Jerusalem).
THEATRE REVIEWS: Top cast, delightful set and plenty of fun. But Scrooge as a big old softie? Bah, humbug! | Daily Mail Online
THEATRE REVIEWS: Top cast, delightful set and plenty of fun. But Scrooge as a big old softie? Bah, humbug! | Daily Mail Online
... So the sudden appearance of a grainy black-and-white Victorian photograph of the homeless on Kennington Common feels out of place. Things look ...
... So the sudden appearance of a grainy black-and-white Victorian photograph of the homeless on Kennington Common feels out of place. Things look ...
Decorating biscuits is a highly skilled art form
Decorating biscuits is a highly skilled art form
... This festive season, Biscuiteers icers (50 of whom are based in a large kitchen in Kennington, working to targets of 200-300 biscuits per day to fulfil a huge list of ...
... This festive season, Biscuiteers icers (50 of whom are based in a large kitchen in Kennington, working to targets of 200-300 biscuits per day to fulfil a huge list of ...
19 December 2015
Planning permission granted for Ovalhouse Brixton - Brixton Blog
Planning permission granted for Ovalhouse Brixton - Brixton Blog
... With the theatre's current Kennington Oval site too small for
the organisation's ambitious vision, the new theatre is planned for
completion in 2018. It will offer two ...
... With the theatre's current Kennington Oval site too small for
the organisation's ambitious vision, the new theatre is planned for
completion in 2018. It will offer two ...
Gang of smash and grab raiders jailed for just over 30 years | South London Press
Gang of smash and grab raiders jailed for just over 30 years | South London Press
... Gartland and an unknown accomplice tried to rob Akdeniz Jewellers, on Walworth Road, in Kennington on February 16 last year. ...
... Gartland and an unknown accomplice tried to rob Akdeniz Jewellers, on Walworth Road, in Kennington on February 16 last year. ...
[LondonCultureseekers] New meetup: Imperial War Museum
Announcing a new meetup for the London Cultureseekers Group!
What: Imperial War Museum
Where: Lambeth North Tube Station (outside the station)
When: Sunday 3rd January at 1:30pm
Come along on Sunday 3rd January for a visit to the newly refurbished Imperial War Museum!
About the museum The museum reopened on in 2014 after a £25m refurbishment, which includes new WW1 galleries telling the story of the war. The reopening coincided with the 100 year anniversary of the outbreak of WW1 on 28th July 2014.
The museum has occupied the former Bethlem Royal Hospital site since 1936. It holds over 11 million items relating to wars fought in by Britain and the Commonwealth over the last 100 years. The museum also has seperate exhibitions on the holocaust, a family in war, the secret war (about spies & codebreaking) and paintings of war.
About the museum The museum reopened on in 2014 after a £25m refurbishment, which includes new WW1 galleries telling the story of the war. The reopening coincided with the 100 year anniversary of the outbreak of WW1 on 28th July 2014.
The museum has occupied the former Bethlem Royal Hospital site since 1936. It holds over 11 million items relating to wars fought in by Britain and the Commonwealth over the last 100 years. The museum also has seperate exhibitions on the holocaust, a family in war, the secret war (about spies & codebreaking) and paintings of war.
There is a lot to see in the
museum, so expect to spend at least two hours looking around. We will
divide into small groups when you arrive, to go round the museum
Entry is free!
Entry is free!
Afterwards we will head to the Three Stags pub, 67-69 Kennington Road for a chat over a drink.
If you can't see us outside the station,
please text. Please note we only wait for 10 minutes at the meeting
point after the advertised meeting time.
Look out for the group sign -
Look out for the group sign -
Hope to see you there!
07905 901 834 (prefer text)

16 December 2015
Architects for Social Housing hail 'victory' in Mae regeneration scheme | News | Building Design
Architects for Social Housing hail 'victory' in Mae regeneration scheme | News | Building Design
... drew up for Knight's Walk put pressure on the council to rethink its
plans to demolish the low-rise homes, part of the 1972 Cotton Garden
Estate in Kennington. ...
... drew up for Knight's Walk put pressure on the council to rethink its
plans to demolish the low-rise homes, part of the 1972 Cotton Garden
Estate in Kennington. ...
Road rage bus driver 'ran over cyclist's bike after stand-off in south London street' | London | News | London Evening Standard
Road rage bus driver 'ran over cyclist's bike after stand-off in south London street' | London | News | London Evening Standard
... As the bus approached, Mr Swift panicked, dropped his bike and ran to the side of the road in Kennington before watching the vehicle roll over his hybrid. ... The bike's frame was allegedly left buckled beyond repair following the incident in Kennington Lane, outside the Durnham Library, on December 6. ... Police confirmed they were called to reports of a “damage-only” bus and bicycle collision in Kennington Lane just after 10.30am on December 6. ...
... As the bus approached, Mr Swift panicked, dropped his bike and ran to the side of the road in Kennington before watching the vehicle roll over his hybrid. ... The bike's frame was allegedly left buckled beyond repair following the incident in Kennington Lane, outside the Durnham Library, on December 6. ... Police confirmed they were called to reports of a “damage-only” bus and bicycle collision in Kennington Lane just after 10.30am on December 6. ...
In Westminster Hall debate on TfL funding @katehoeymp raises the controversy over plans for Vauxhall Bus Station - "a travesty"
In Westminster Hall debate on TfL funding @katehoeymp raises the controversy over plans for Vauxhall Bus Station - "a travesty"
— London SE1 (@se1) December 15, 2015
Area Manager - Contract Cleaning - Kennington, South East London (SE11) - Job: 64289388 - Totaljobs.com
Area Manager - Contract Cleaning - Kennington, South East London (SE11) - Job: 64289388 - Totaljobs.com
Job details for a Area Manager - Contract Cleaning job in Kennington, South East London (SE11) listed at Totaljobs.com - 64289388.
Job details for a Area Manager - Contract Cleaning job in Kennington, South East London (SE11) listed at Totaljobs.com - 64289388.
13 December 2015
Three days left to have your say on the Oval Gas-Holders development
Hi there,
You kindly asked to keep in touch in our previous survey in April, or on the www.saveoval.com website.
[For context, I'm part of SaveOval - a local residents' group who want to see development of the Gas-holders site without the high-rise mistakes of Nine Elms...
We've summarised our views, and an alternative scheme, here: http://www.saveoval.com/]
As you probably know, Berkeley Homes published their Masterplan last month - http://www.oakda.co.uk/master-plan - and the consultation period ends this Wednesday 16th December.
It's vital that we send a clear message to Berkeley Homes & Lambeth on local people's views, before the deadline.
What you can do to help right now:
This will allow us to send a clear message on locals' views of the central issues.
2. Please also complete Berkeley's survey - it's quite long (sigh), but if you're short of time please at least answer questions 8 and 9 about the tall building heights:
3. Please forward this email to others in your building, your neighbours, your Residents' association, or your local school, etc., to encourage them to take part in the surveys - and if you use Facebook or Twitter, please share on Facebook, or retweet us at @SaveOval.
Thanks so much for your help, and if you'd like to be involved further, please do get in touch.
In the meantime, best wishes for the festive season.
Harry & the SaveOval team
Santacon sees hundreds of Father Christmases descend on London to spread the festive cheer - BT
Santacon sees hundreds of Father Christmases descend on London to spread the festive cheer - BT
Every year across the world Santa, Mrs Clause, elves and reindeer gather to march en masse across several cities all over the world in a gathering ...
December 12, 2015. A bunch of Santas stop for a drink in Kennington.
Every year across the world Santa, Mrs Clause, elves and reindeer gather to march en masse across several cities all over the world in a gathering ...
December 12, 2015. A bunch of Santas stop for a drink in Kennington.
PPC Account Executive - Kennington, South East London (SE11) - Job: 64268803 - Totaljobs.com
PPC Account Executive - Kennington, South East London (SE11) - Job: 64268803 - Totaljobs.com
Job details for a PPC Account Executive job in Kennington, South East London (SE11) listed at Totaljobs.com - 64268803.
Job details for a PPC Account Executive job in Kennington, South East London (SE11) listed at Totaljobs.com - 64268803.
12 December 2015
Fake WG Grace took to the pitch to fool fans (From Daily Echo)
Fake WG Grace took to the pitch to fool fans (From Daily Echo)
... A talented footballer, he played for Old Carthusians who won the 1881 FA Cup final
at the Kennington Oval. ...
... A talented footballer, he played for Old Carthusians who won the 1881 FA Cup final
at the Kennington Oval. ...
The 'inspirational' Tube station signs you see shared across Twitter and Facebook are probably fake - Telegraph
The 'inspirational' Tube station signs you see shared across Twitter and Facebook are probably fake - Telegraph
Kennington Tube rocking the whiteboard world yet again.
#TubeJoys pic.twitter.com/v8UdqRPJ3l. — Tamara Harvey (@tamaracharvey)
February 12, 2015.
Kennington Tube rocking the whiteboard world yet again.
#TubeJoys pic.twitter.com/v8UdqRPJ3l. — Tamara Harvey (@tamaracharvey)
February 12, 2015.
Kennington Tube rocking the whiteboard world yet again. #TubeJoys pic.twitter.com/v8UdqRPJ3l
— Tamara Harvey (@tamaracharvey) February 12, 2015
Route 159 now served by New Routemaster buses - Transport for London
Route 159 now served by New Routemaster buses - Transport for London
(Source. Transport for London). Bus route 159 will become the latest in the Capital to be served entirely by New Routemaster buses ... Route 159 runs between Marble Arch and Streatham, via Oxford Circus, Piccadilly Circus, Trafalgar Square (Charing Cross), Westminster, Westminster Bridge, Kennington Church, Brixton and Streatham Hill ... To date, 17 bus routes in London have been converted to operate with New Routemasters ...
(Source. Transport for London). Bus route 159 will become the latest in the Capital to be served entirely by New Routemaster buses ... Route 159 runs between Marble Arch and Streatham, via Oxford Circus, Piccadilly Circus, Trafalgar Square (Charing Cross), Westminster, Westminster Bridge, Kennington Church, Brixton and Streatham Hill ... To date, 17 bus routes in London have been converted to operate with New Routemasters ...
Parody London tube sign generator taken down after 'legal threat' from TfL | UK news | The Guardian
Parody London tube sign generator taken down after 'legal threat' from TfL | UK news | The Guardian
Site developer says Transport for London asked for its deletion because some people used it to fake LU noticeboards with ‘racially offensive messages’. ... Other stations opt for a quote of the day – Kennington is among them. — Kennington Station (@Kennington_Tube) November 30, 2015 ...
Site developer says Transport for London asked for its deletion because some people used it to fake LU noticeboards with ‘racially offensive messages’. ... Other stations opt for a quote of the day – Kennington is among them. — Kennington Station (@Kennington_Tube) November 30, 2015 ...
11 December 2015
New Homes Business Development Manager, Kennington - Kennington, South East London (SE11) - Job: 64262770 - Totaljobs.com
New Homes Business Development Manager, Kennington - Kennington, South East London (SE11) - Job: 64262770 - Totaljobs.com
Job details for a New Homes Business Development Manager, Kennington job in Kennington, South East London (SE11) listed at Totaljobs.com ...
Job details for a New Homes Business Development Manager, Kennington job in Kennington, South East London (SE11) listed at Totaljobs.com ...
Online Gooner - Online Exclusive
Online Gooner - Online Exclusive
... Aston Villa however won their first FA Cup in 1887, beating local rivals West Brom 2-0 in the Final at the Kennington Oval. ...
Aston Villa reached the FA Cup Final again in 1892, though this time lost 0-3 to West Brom at Kennington Oval. ...
... Aston Villa however won their first FA Cup in 1887, beating local rivals West Brom 2-0 in the Final at the Kennington Oval. ...
Aston Villa reached the FA Cup Final again in 1892, though this time lost 0-3 to West Brom at Kennington Oval. ...
Did A Christmas Carol cheer the critics? - WhatsOnStage.com
Did A Christmas Carol cheer the critics? - WhatsOnStage.com
"There are moments when, with its photographs of the 19th-century poor and disenfranchised gathered on Kennington Common, and its puppet-head bankers ...
"There are moments when, with its photographs of the 19th-century poor and disenfranchised gathered on Kennington Common, and its puppet-head bankers ...
Pride of Brixton’s secret gardeners - Brixton Blog
Pride of Brixton’s secret gardeners - Brixton Blog
... Best Community Garden award-winners were Cotton Gardens Estate, with their self-made oasis next to Kennington Lane, with Arlington Lodge and ...
... Best Community Garden award-winners were Cotton Gardens Estate, with their self-made oasis next to Kennington Lane, with Arlington Lodge and ...
A Christmas Carol review – Jim Broadbent's sentimental Scrooge has a twinkle in his eye | Stage | The Guardian
A Christmas Carol review – Jim Broadbent's sentimental Scrooge has a twinkle in his eye | Stage | The Guardian
3 / 5 stars. Noël Coward theatre, London. Puppets and modern-day poignancy combine in Patrick Barlow’s high-spirited adaptation of Dickens. ... It’s odd, because there are moments when, with its photographs of the 19th-century poor and disenfranchised gathered on Kennington Common,
and its puppet-head bankers and politicians, the show is quite clearly
making connections between Dickens’ story and our own times ... ....
3 / 5 stars. Noël Coward theatre, London. Puppets and modern-day poignancy combine in Patrick Barlow’s high-spirited adaptation of Dickens. ... It’s odd, because there are moments when, with its photographs of the 19th-century poor and disenfranchised gathered on Kennington Common,
and its puppet-head bankers and politicians, the show is quite clearly
making connections between Dickens’ story and our own times ... ....
Fraudster/s alert !
friends and neighbours in Kennington
I have
recently been made aware of incidents whereby a person has presented himself in
a difficult situation e.g. broken down vehicle, lost wallet.
He claimed
to be my business partner / brother and has requested money from people of
Kennington who, in good faith and assuming it to be genuine, have helped the
person with money.
I am
extremely proud that they have helped with the understanding that this person
is associated with me; however, it saddens me that he used my name to extort
money from my good friends and neighbours.
Please be
vigilant; it has happened on several occasions.
strongly urge you all to be aware that this person is a fraud.
Thank you
all for your kindness and loyalty.
We are a
strong and extremely kind neighbourhood,
and we are all forthcoming when we see
a person who needs help.
I hope
2016 brings us all closer and we continue to look out for each other.
wishing you all a merry Christmas and a peaceful new year.
10 December 2015
Bar news | Grand Union reveals partners for new collaborative concept
Bar news | Grand Union reveals partners for new collaborative concept
... Grand Union bars are in Farringdon, Clapham, Wandsworth, Camberwell, Chancery Lane, Camden, Kennington and Paddington. Share. Twitter Facebook ... ...
... Grand Union bars are in Farringdon, Clapham, Wandsworth, Camberwell, Chancery Lane, Camden, Kennington and Paddington. Share. Twitter Facebook ... ...
Jim Armitage: Stagecoach has bigger problems in local bus fares and poor infrastructure | Business | London Evening Standard
Jim Armitage: Stagecoach has bigger problems in local bus fares and poor infrastructure | Business | London Evening Standard
... Just this weekend, a friend throwing a birthday party for her 12-year-old in Kennington told of how the mum of one little guest from the home counties had ... ...
... Just this weekend, a friend throwing a birthday party for her 12-year-old in Kennington told of how the mum of one little guest from the home counties had ... ...
Could Charlton Athletic teenage star Ademola Lookman be the next fairytale footballing story? | South London Press
Could Charlton Athletic teenage star Ademola Lookman be the next fairytale footballing story? | South London Press
... It has already been quite a 12 months for the teenager, who until a year
ago was playing for Kennington-based Waterloo FC. There is no sign of
his progression slowing any time soon. ...
... It has already been quite a 12 months for the teenager, who until a year
ago was playing for Kennington-based Waterloo FC. There is no sign of
his progression slowing any time soon. ...
Charlton Athletc fans should be excited by | South London Press
Charlton Athletc fans should be excited by | South London Press
... Lookman, 18, only broke into the senior set-up last month but has been
nerveless so far, making it hard to believe that he was playing Sunday
league football for Kennington-based Waterloo FC a year ago. ...
... Lookman, 18, only broke into the senior set-up last month but has been
nerveless so far, making it hard to believe that he was playing Sunday
league football for Kennington-based Waterloo FC a year ago. ...
Charlton Athletic boss confident of keeping teenager being monitored by Arsenal | South London Press
Charlton Athletic boss confident of keeping teenager being monitored by Arsenal | South London Press
... Arsenal are just one of the top-flight clubs to have been following the
youngster, who had been playing for Kennington-based club Waterloo FC up
until a year ago. ...
... Arsenal are just one of the top-flight clubs to have been following the
youngster, who had been playing for Kennington-based club Waterloo FC up
until a year ago. ...
Have your say on Vauxhall Cross plans | News | Wandsworth Council
Have your say on Vauxhall Cross plans | News | Wandsworth Council
(Source. Wandsworth Borough Council). Published. Thursday 3rd December 15. Transport for London (TfL) has opened a new consultation on updated plans for Vauxhall Cross which is just over the borough boundary in Lambeth ... An artist's impression based on early designs for the bus station ... The sessions will take place at. ... St ... Key elements of the scheme include. ... Kennington Lane, South Lambeth Road) by converting these roads to two way working....
(Source. Wandsworth Borough Council). Published. Thursday 3rd December 15. Transport for London (TfL) has opened a new consultation on updated plans for Vauxhall Cross which is just over the borough boundary in Lambeth ... An artist's impression based on early designs for the bus station ... The sessions will take place at. ... St ... Key elements of the scheme include. ... Kennington Lane, South Lambeth Road) by converting these roads to two way working....
09 December 2015
Carols by Candlelight at Oasis Church Waterloo [13 December]
Carols by Candlelight at Oasis Church Waterloo [13 December]
Sunday 13 December
7pm at Oasis Church Waterloo, 1a Kennington Road
With the Oasis Community Choir.
Sunday 13 December
7pm at Oasis Church Waterloo, 1a Kennington Road
With the Oasis Community Choir.
FoKP: Evaluator for the flower garden
Evaluating the success of the Flower Garden
Can you evaluate success?
The project team delivering the Flower Garden project in Kennington Park is looking for someone with proven skills and experience to produce an evaluation report.
We need to find out if park users are satisfied with the project when it is completed in summer 2016 and whether it has achieved its objectives.
You will work with volunteers to collect data and will use this to create a professional written report to present to the project’s funders.
We will pay you for an estimated 120 hours of work between February and September 2016 at a rate of £30 an hour (to include all costs and travel expenses), a total of £3,600.
You can read the job description along with details of how to apply on http://www.kenningtonpark.org/assets/images/jobdescription.pdf
Applications close 11 January 2016.
Interviews will take place in Kennington on 27 January 2016.
St Mark's Kennington » Christmas Services 2015
St Mark's Kennington » Christmas Services 2015
... 10:30am-12:00pm Children's Nativity 6:30pm-8:00pm Candlelit Carols and Lessons. Thu 24 December 2015. 5:00pm-6:30pm Crib Service (with crepe ... ...
... 10:30am-12:00pm Children's Nativity 6:30pm-8:00pm Candlelit Carols and Lessons. Thu 24 December 2015. 5:00pm-6:30pm Crib Service (with crepe ... ...
From Kennington to Battersea via Nine Elms with the Northern Line extension | Europe and R.O.W
From Kennington to Battersea via Nine Elms with the Northern Line extension | Europe and R.O.W
... Construction has started on the £1 billion extension of the London Underground Northern Line from Kennington to Battersea via Nine Elms in the UK. ...
... Construction has started on the £1 billion extension of the London Underground Northern Line from Kennington to Battersea via Nine Elms in the UK. ...
Fleet of Routemasters on Bus Route 159 - Events | Routemaster Association
Events | Routemaster Association
To mark the 10th anniversary of the last Routemaster bus in normal service, a fleet of them will ride along the last bus route that was in
To mark the 10th anniversary of the last Routemaster bus in normal service, a fleet of them will ride along the last bus route that was in
02 December 2015
Protest highlights road cyclist deaths | South London Press
Protest highlights road cyclist deaths | South London Press
... Nine cyclists have died on London’s roads so far this year. They include 55-year-old Moira Gemmill from Kennington, who died in April after being in collision with an HGV at the junction of Millbank and Horseferry Road near Lambeth Bridge. ...
... Nine cyclists have died on London’s roads so far this year. They include 55-year-old Moira Gemmill from Kennington, who died in April after being in collision with an HGV at the junction of Millbank and Horseferry Road near Lambeth Bridge. ...
Armagh actor Ryan McParland: 'I miss my mum Helen... she never got to see me act on stage in London' - BelfastTelegraph.co.uk
Armagh actor Ryan McParland: 'I miss my mum Helen... she never got to see me act on stage in London' - BelfastTelegraph.co.uk
... But for the moment Ryan isn't sure that he wants to take advantage of the open doors that his
mesmerising portrayal will invariably bring in its wake ... "I wasn't terribly clued up about what was happening in London, but I knew the Donmar was a prestigious theatre so I sat in a park near my flat at Kennington for a couple of days learning the monologues and duologues from the play. It was pretty intense." ... And so was I." ....
... But for the moment Ryan isn't sure that he wants to take advantage of the open doors that his
mesmerising portrayal will invariably bring in its wake ... "I wasn't terribly clued up about what was happening in London, but I knew the Donmar was a prestigious theatre so I sat in a park near my flat at Kennington for a couple of days learning the monologues and duologues from the play. It was pretty intense." ... And so was I." ....
[LondonCultureseekers] New meetup: 'Charlie Chaplin' Guided Walk (Saturday & Sunday)
[LondonCultureseekers] New meetup: 'Charlie Chaplin' Guided Walk (Saturday & Sunday)
Announcing a new meetup for the London Cultureseekers Group!
What: 'Charlie Chaplin' Guided Walk (click here for the Saturday walk or here for the Sunday walk)
Where: Kennington Tube Station (outside the station)
When: Saturday 19th & Sunday 20th December at 1:30pm
Come along on either Saturday 19th or Sunday 20th December at 1:30pm for a guided walk around Kennington on the early life of the comic genius; Charlie Chaplin!
I'm a massive fan of Charlie Chaplin, so I'll be the guide for the walk.
About the walk
Charlie Chaplin was British and kept British citizenship all his life, even though he spent most of his adult life in America.
He was born in
Kennington, London on the 16th April 1889 and lived their until he was
21. He was born into and spent his early years in great poverty in (at
the time) one of the poorest areas of London. As a teenager he joined
a performing group in nearby Brixton and during a tour of the U.S was
spotted performing by a scout for Sennett Studios, they signed him
up and the rest is history! He went on to star in 81 films mainly
during the silent era and playing his 'Little Tramp' character in most
of them.
His life is a classic rags to riches story and in his films he
was heavily influenced by his poor upbringing. I will guide you round
the streets visiting various places that influenced him, the houses
where he lived as a child and describing the conditions of the area in
late Victorian London. I will tell you the story of his relationships
with his mentally ill mother, alcoholic father and the close bond he had
with his half brother Sydney. Plus I will also talk about his stage
understudy who also went onto become a world famous movie comedian.
I will finish the walk showing you the place where he learnt his famous comedy walk!
The walk is free to 'Full Members', but £5 for everyone else.
The walk will last about 1h 45mins and we will end by going to a pub not far from Vauxhall Tube Station.
If you can't see us outside the station, please text.
Hope to see you there!

RSVP here for Saturday or here for Sunday...
Bus route 159 recreation (9th Dec 2015)
Bus route 159 recreation (9th Dec 2015)
Wednesday, 9th December |
All Day |
Bus route 159 recreation A free heritage routemaster bus service along Route 159 to mark the 10th anniversary of its last routemaster in service. |
01 December 2015
The best way to redesign your garden | The Telegraph
The best way to redesign your garden | The Telegraph
... One of my favourite shots in the book is of his previous garden in Kennington, London, where I was lucky to spend the day filming with him a few years ago. ... In his
Kennington garden he used monster-sized concrete rings, about one
metre in diameter, stacked vertically to create pots. ...
... One of my favourite shots in the book is of his previous garden in Kennington, London, where I was lucky to spend the day filming with him a few years ago. ... In his
Kennington garden he used monster-sized concrete rings, about one
metre in diameter, stacked vertically to create pots. ...
30 November 2015
Work Begins On Northern Line Extension in Wandsworth At Nine Elms
Work Begins On Northern Line Extension in Wandsworth At Nine Elms
... banks of the River Thames where it will be loaded onto barges, as part of the project to extend the Northern line from Kennington to Battersea via Nine Elms.
... banks of the River Thames where it will be loaded onto barges, as part of the project to extend the Northern line from Kennington to Battersea via Nine Elms.
7-year-old block of flats in Lambeth to be demolished for 15 storey tower
7-year-old block of flats in Lambeth to be demolished for 15 storey tower https://t.co/KZBzfGLKFn
— Kennington SE11 (@kennington) November 30, 2015
28 November 2015
Events | Friends of Durning Library : Winter party Monday 7 December - Music, festive food and a good raffle
Events | Friends of Durning Library
Monday 7 December
Music, festive food and a good raffle –
Winter party. Music starts at 7pm – we are to be entertained by a young brass ensemble from Archbishop Sumner School with carols. Drinks and nibbles provided by the committee, as well as some very nice raffle prizes.
NOTE earlier start time of 7.00pm
6.45 for 7.00pm at the Durning Library. Light refreshments. Everyone welcome. No admission charge, but a £2 donation towards costs is invited.
Reading Group. The Durning Library Reading Group normally meets in the library on the fourth Tuesday of the month from 7- 8.30pm. All adults are welcome to discuss the book for the month in a very informal atmosphere over wine and nibbles. The group suggest a £1.50 contribution towards refreshments from everyone attending. For further information contact Dale Arndell on 020 7926 8682 or e-mail: darnedell@lambeth.gov.uk.
Silver Surfers. Every other Friday, 10 -12.00. Please pre-book at the Library.
2015 dates: . 27 Nov, 11 & 18 Dec.
Over 50’s Group. Every 3rd Wednesday from 3.00 – 4.00pm.
2015 dates: 16 Dec.
Tea & coffee Mornings: a cuppa, a chat and some books………
Tuesdays, 10.30 – 11.30 am. 15 Dec.
New: Dale is starting up a Children’s Chess and Board Games Club,
every Saturday 2.30 – 4.30pm. Starting Saturday 12 September.
Includes Chess, Draughts, Scrabble, Monopoly and Battleships.
He would be willing to do the same for adults so, if anyone is interested, please let him know.
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