Dear All,
I went on a walk about in Kennington Lane/Road and
the surrounding roads with residents (John Dyer also attended). The
following issues were noted as needed attention
Flats above shops and commercial waste -
Kennington Road/Lane, although busy is not designated as a timed
collection zone. This means that through out the day bags of
residential and commercial waste is left on the
streets at all times of the day leading to a neglectful and dirty
looking streets. I am advised that residents are told that they can
only put their waste out on specified collection days much like ordinary
street properties, but this clearly does not happen.
What about businesses? Are they allowed to put their waste out all
times of the day until their waste contractor collects them?What can be
done to encourage residents and businesses to leave waste out specific
days? Can we write letters to them reminding
them of their collection days and have signs on lamp posts specifying
the day and time waste can be left on the street and failure to comply
is dumping and subject to a fine?
– Keith/Kevin your comments are required
Sweeping Rota - The actual times the roads
are swept does not seem to coincide with the cleaning rota. According
to the rota Kennington Lane, Road and Park Road is meant to be manually
swept, dumped waste collected
and litter picked on a daily basis. In addition Kennington Park Road
and Kennington road is cleaned with a small mechanical broom on a daily
basis with Kennington Lane cleaned with a SMB once a month (on a
Monday). Can you tell me if the cleaning rota is
correct as residents are adamant that the roads do not get swept or
litter picked or dumped waste collected once a day and having attended
the area I would attest to that. I have spoken to Michael Clark on
this. He has agreed to look into why their seems
to be a disconnect between what the rota states and what is happening
on the ground.
Residents Awareness Raising – Can we start a
local campaign to raise awareness of collection dates, duties to
dispose of waste responsibly and fines. Gill I only saw one do the
right thing poster relating to litter
and that was in Kennington Lane. Can we have more posters and smaller
ones that residents and shop keepers can display in appropriate places.
The area needs more no dumping signs. Please write to residents of
Liwood House Kennington Road (rubbish bags always
piled up outside building), Tire Street, Carogan Street and Windmill
Road informing them of the rubbish collection day, duty to recycling and
not to dump rubbish.
Tire Street – What a mess. Piles of black bags. Can you investigate where this is coming from. Apparently it is not a one off.
359 Kennington Lane – We saw a pile of
recycle and black bags filled with commercial waste and identified the
owner of this address as the culprit. We visited the address and spoke
to a woman named Irene who admitted
that the waste belonged to the business and they had left it for
Lambeth to pick up even though Biffa is their waste collector. We
explained this was dumping and asked them to remove the waste which they
. Jamie can you follow this up please.
I would like you to visit the address and investigate what measures are
in place for commercial waste collection. We saw no Biffa bins at the
back of the property. Can you still prosecute? John dyer will provide
more information.
Schools – I will be visiting the local schools to speak to pupils about littering and ask for their help to keep streets clean.
Councillors- Can you follow this email up to
ensure that the actions are followed through and residents are
satisfied with the results - Thanks
These are some of the issues to be addressed.
There were many more but I thought we should concentrate on these
first. Big thank you Cathy, Gareth, Stephane and Houman for taking the
time to meet me and show me around various parts of
Kennington. Special thanks to John Dyer for stepping in at the last
Sorry for any spelling or grammar mistakes but had to write this quickly.
Cllr. Jennifer Brathwaite
Ward Councillor for Gipsy Hill
Cabinet Member for Environment and Sustainability
Mobile: 07805943813
London Borough of Lambeth
Labour Group Room 119
Lambeth Town Hall
Brixton Hill
London SW2 1RW
Lambeth - the cooperative council
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