(further details below)
on Saturday 14th September,
with a 9.30am pick-up
at the bus stop on Kennington Road
at the corner of Black Prince Road ('Bingo Hall').
The cost is £26
On this occasion, Brendan has waived the usual Society membership (£7) as Companions are welcome as his guests or mine.
(Of course, you still have to pay the £26!!

If you want to join us,
PLEASE phone Brendan on 020 8761 5651
by Wednesday LATEST
as he needs to send off the cheque for the Group booking this week.
Then send him the below completed booking form along with your cheque for £26
made payable to LHS OUTINGS.
Hatfield House and gardens is now the home of the Salisburys
and was the childhood home of Queen Elizabeth 1st.
Lady Salisbury is a garden designer
and has carried out a lot of work on the garden in recent years.
The East Garden will not be open,
but the West Garden has a collection of perennial and annual plants.
Other gardens include the Palace Garden and Woodland Garden.
The House is open for us to visit.
There is a restaurant and shop.
Shenley Walled Garden is a 2 acre C16 walled garden.
Uniquely designed ornamental on three levels.
Mature planting, ancient fruit trees.
Fine views over countryside.
Three working Victorian greenhouses.
It is situated in Shenley Park and there is a tea house for refreshments.
TEL. NO………………………………...........................................
EMAIL ADDRESS………………………………..........................
I wish to book the following outing.
I understand that the organiser
may have to cancel or alter venues if unforseen circumstances arise and make it
necessary to make such changes.
September Hatfield House/Shenley Park
………..seats @ £26
I enclose a cheque made
payable to LHS OUTINGS for £………..
Please answer the following
questions to help us get on our way more quickly and enjoy more time in the
I will be boarding the coach
at Lakeview Road/Norwood Road/Streatham High Road/Kennington Road.
I am over 60. Yes/no
(statistics for garden owners)
If you are booking more than
one seat, please indicate whether all parties are over 60 and boarding at the
same venue.
To be covered by insurance
please make application on the correct Booking Form. If you have mislaid it, please
contact me for a copy.
Please send applications with a S.A.E to Brendan Byrne, 10a,The
Pavement, Chapel Road, West Norwood, London SE27 OUN Tel 0208 761 5651