It won't have escaped your notice that TFL are currently digging up the pavement outside all our houses.
Alarmingly, they plan to replace the paved slabs with black asphalt.
1) Kennington Park Road is a Conservation Area;
2) All the houses and street furniture is listed Grade ll, meaning that there is a statutory duty on the Council to enforce that anyone undertaking works in the area respects the historic quality of the area.
General duty as respects listed buildings in exercise of planning functions.
(1)In considering whether to grant planning permission for development which affects a listed building or its setting, the local planning authority or, as the case may be, the Secretary of State shall have special regard to the desirability of preserving the building or its setting or any features of special architectural or historic interest which it possesses.
Nothwithstanding this Tracy Chapman Team Leader, Design and Conservation at Southwark Council has responded to us in an email on 18th March 2015: "This is not a planning issue and we have no control over such matters".
We have set up a Facebook Group
to coordinate getting this piece of vandalism stopped in its tracks.
to coordinate getting this piece of vandalism stopped in its tracks.
If you are concerned about this please
a) join the Facebook Group
b) share this with other neighbours who are not copied and get them to email me or Sian Goodlad, or call us on 07866 369181 (Mark) or 078177 20201 (Sian)
a) join the Facebook Group
b) share this with other neighbours who are not copied and get them to email me or Sian Goodlad, or call us on 07866 369181 (Mark) or 078177 20201 (Sian)
Any suggestions on how to find out who we can get in touch with at TFL (in particular), will be gratefully received.
We have been in touch with:
- Southwark council planning department
- TFL (through the front door)
- Simon Hughes MP
Does anyone know if we can get an injunction?
Suggestions as to any form of direct action to stop the work.
Best wishes,
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