Kennington Association
Chair: Anna Tapsell C/- 235B Kennington Lane, London SE11 5QU
Deputy Chair: open 020 7793 0268
Secretary: Diane Kavanagh
Treasurer: Matina Gialama
Friday, 30th April 2010
Dear Neighbours
Although we’re still awaiting summer, KA has already started thinking about Christmas!! Each year, KA funds a Secret Santa scheme – cash vouchers presented to local residents that can make a real difference in the holidays. This year, we’re also trying to fund Christmas lunch for older residents in the neighbourhood. Two projects are key to raising funds: a bookstall at the Kennington Fete and our annual Charity Auction. (See below)
The Auction is held in September at the City & Guilds of London Art School on Kennington Park Road. And, in keeping with the setting, I’d like to make a special appeal for artwork to be donated by as many people as possible. All kinds of artwork are welcome – if you have pieces in a cupboard that no longer interest you, please send them. If you’re an amateur artist and can produce a sketch or watercolour, we’d love to hear from you! And, of course, we urge all our area’s many professional artists to consider donating work. Paintings, posters, small sculptures, ceramics and stained glass are equally welcome.
Once summer comes, we all find ourselves very busy, and August can come and go before we know it! As we need time to produce a catalogue, please think now about what you can donate and contact us as soon as possible. We can provide storage and arrange to pick up pieces if you let us know your needs. And local families will really appreciate your generosity. As one of our coordinators remarked, “Knowing local people care at Christmas is as important to the recipients as the gifts themselves.”
Anna Tapsell
Congratulations to our very own Cathy Preece who was this year awarded the Council’s Civic Award for North Lambeth for her role as guiding force behind the Kennington Association. Cathy was one of the founding members of KA back in 2002 and continues to serve as administrative assistant, keeping all the mailing lists, calendar and coordinating many activities. She has been personally involved in every initiative the group has carried out from its formation when it attempted to change the boundary route of the congestion zone to setting up Tai Chi classes to finding a home for the Ecuadorian volleyball club. As the award certificate cited, “Many groups form to be against an issue, then fall apart after the fight is over; but, with Cathy’s hard work and commitment, KA continues to flourish.”
Cathy’s also involved in other local activies – she’s leading a walk through the heart of Kennington on Sunday, 23 May as part of the Ramblers’ Get Walking Day. (See calendar)
As you can see above, KA Deputy Chair is now open. Our very sincere thanks to Kevin Rimmington who’s been filling this post. Kevin joined KA in 2005 through the Tai Chi classes and soon took over the onerous job of securing Tai Chi funding from charities, as well as acting as corporate liaison for KA and serving as our voice with Surrey County Cricket Club. He became Deputy Chair two years ago. His enthusiasm and humour will be sadly missed. He’ll be a hard act to follow, but we’d love to hear from volunteers!
Friends of Lollard Street Adventure Playground (FoLSAP)
Kate Hoey MP visited Lollard Street Adventure Playground in February to plant a “Vauxhall Apple” tree, donated by Roots and Shoots, and to unveil a mosaic – “praying hands”. The mosaic was created by the children to commemorate a member of staff who lost his life as the result of a road accident and in remembrance of two children who once used the playground but have since sadly died. We’re happy to report the apple tree is doing well and blossomed in late April.
You too can help to keep this vital local resource for children alive and flourishing by coming along to the public meeting at The Royal Oak Pub at 6.00pm on Monday 10th May to launch the Friends of Lollard Street Adventure Playground (FOLSAP). (See calendar below.)
The bazaar held in March brought in £597.80 total with £492.35 after expenses to replenish our funds. Thanks to all who donated and helped out, and a special thanks, as always, to coordinator Gisella Azzopardi. The next bazaar is scheduled for Saturday, 17th July. As usual, we need many volunteers: special needs this time include someone to take on the kitchen and teas and someone to organise publicity and distribution of posters. We hope to use the proceeds from the July bazaar to fund a programme in the summer for neighbourhood children. If you can help with the kitchen or publicity, please call Gisella on 020 7820 0434.
Kennington Business Network kickS off
The inaugural Annual General Meeting of the Kennington Business Network (KBN) was held at the Oval on Wednesday 21st April 2010 chaired by Mike Cooper of Mike Cooper Voiceover, who has been on the interim steering committee. Following a short tribute to the new group by Anna Tapsell, chair of KA, the KBN got down to the main business of the evening which was to elect an executive committee and committee members.
Houman Meshkati of Amici Bar & Italian Restaurant in Kennington Lane was elected chair. Lullyn Tavares of Bodystyles in Bolney Street will serve as secretary. Kowsar Hoque of Kennington Tandoori in Kennington Road is a committee member. More committee members are needed on the board, including someone for the role of treasurer. Potential members or officers should contact Houman at or Lullyn at for information or to volunteer. It was agreed that another KBN meeting will be arranged shortly.
The KBN is being set up with the broad aims of providing a voice for businesses, an opportunity for businesses to network with one another, and a forum for discussing local issues and providing mutual collaboration. Its intent is to become independent in views and organisation from both the Council and KA.
The KBN would like to thank both the Kennington Association and Lambeth Council for their very generous support in helping the KBN to get started. Vicky Ratcliffe and Keith Trotter of the Council have been invaluable in steering the group through the formative process, and Cathy Preece of KA has been generous in providing contacts and mailing lists of businesses in the area.
Noise from police sirens seems to have increased recently, especially at night along Kennington Road. Although we realise the need for safety, it seems at night especially, the noise could be reduced. As a result of our concern, KA wrote recently to the Met’s South Central Area Commander to ask if the noise could be kept to a minimum and suggest that police cars be fitted with directional sirens rather than those that blast all around. This follows an earlier request, made several years ago, that produced a result for a time. Although it’s too early to tell what lasting effect the complaint will have, it did produce an article in the South London Press, always a good sign!!
We are moving ahead with planning the Sixth Annual Art Auction that is our key event in raising money for the Secret Santa and City & Guilds Art College Student Bursary. The event gives us the opportunity to raise substantial funds (over £4,000 last year!) to support local families with gift vouchers that help make Christmas a special occasion and provide funds for college students who need that bit of extra financial help. It's very much a local event for local people, and we're looking forward to the opportunity to raise money and rise to the challenge of organising a successful event.
The Art Auction will take place on Thursday 16th September at the City & Guilds of London Art School on Kennington Road /Cleaver Square, with a viewing on the evening of 15th September. This year there will be more of an emphasis on prints and smaller works of art, but there will be something for everyone as we also have a book stall and some antiques and collectables for auction.
We are looking for donations of good quality art works please! We are also in need of some support from KA members and anyone else who would be willing to help with promoting the event, or collecting or taking in work. (We're in the process of organising a storage space.) Also, we need helpers on the viewing and auction nights.
In addition to the art works, we receive tremendous support from corporate and individual donors in the form of pledges, which include things like meals in local restaurants, donations of skills such as garden advice, tours of the college, conservation department etc. Any pledges are most gratefully received.
Our first corporate sponsor, Nash Govani of the Belgrave Hotel, has kindly donated a very generous £500 for which we thank him very much.
For further information please contact the Art Auction co-ordinator Pauline Amphlett on 020 7737 1873 or .
Tai Chi
It is great to be able to report that the Saturday Tai Chi class will continue throughout the summer thanks to the award of a grant from Capital Community Foundation's Sports Relief Community Cash. Kudos to Christine Eames-Jones who put together the proposal that won the funding!
Now that the weather has improved, the Thursday Tai Chi class has returned to Kennington Park and the Saturday class will do likewise from Saturday 1st May. Both classes are free of charge and open to all. You are welcome to join us in front of the café in the park any Thursday at 2 pm and Saturday at 11am.
Ecuadorian volleyball (Ecuavolley) continues happily in the sports hall at the Old Lilian Baylis School on Friday 6pm to 9pm, Saturday 3pm to 9pm and Sunday 4pm to 9pm. Anyone wanting further details should contact Galo Espin on 07985 603189.
A summer Fête will be held once again in Cleaver Square on Sunday 13th June. The Kennington Association will have a book stall of nearly-new books donated by The Kennington Bookshop at the Fête and proceeds will go towards Secret Santa and Grey Power -- our new project to provide transport and lunch for elderly local people who might find themselves alone on Christmas Day.
The KA will also coordinate a raffle towards Fête Funds with lovely gifts provided by local businesses. So far, we have received prizes from Beefeater Gin Distillery, Black Prince PH, Exstatic Hair Design, Gallagher & Lockhart, P J Frankland Butchers, Prince of Wales PH, St Aubyns Holistic Centre, Surrey County Cricket Club, Tommyfield PH, Vergies Cafe, Windmill Fish Bar, Zeitgeist @ The Jolly Gardeners PH. Big thanks to all who contributed.
If you follow planning applications in our area, you’ll be aware that an alarming number of high-rise buildings have been proposed for a very small area between the river and Kennington. The KA Planning Forum has been kept busy tracking the progress of the proposals.
Vauxhall Sky Gardens, a 36-storey building proposed for the corner of Wandsworth Road and Wyvil Road, was accepted by the Council pending the Mayor’s approval, which is very likely. The Planning Forum is working on NOT getting mayoral approval.
The Octave Tower / Bondway project is a 46-storey building proposed for the triangle near Vauxhall bus depot. It is not approved and will go before public inquiry sometime in the summer. If all these buildings were to be approved, we would end up with five tower blocks around Vauxhall Park. This will be part of the basis for objecting.
Guided by David Boardman in the chair, the KAPF has developed into a dynamic sub-group of the KA, meeting monthly on the second Tuesday in the evening. Do be in touch if you would like to get involved.
10 May 6pm FOLSAP Public Launch Meeting Royal Oak PH, Fitzalan Street SE11 6QU
23 May 11am KA’s Cathy Preece leads a walk through Kennington.
(Meet at Exit 10 from the subways under the Elephant & Castle roundabout, via the steps or ramp following signs for the London College of Printing, 1 St George's Road, SE1 6SB on the left hand corner where there are trees and tables outside.)
Opportunity to join the Ramblers for £1 for one year.
13 June KA Bookstall at Kennington Fête, Cleaver Square to support Secret Santa
17 July 11am-1pm Bazaar, St Anselm’s Church Hall
15, 16 September Charity Auction, City & Guilds of London Art School, SE11 4DJ
4 October, 7pm Kennington Association AGM, Oval Cricket Ground
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