Lilian Baylis Old School,
Monday 27th ~ Friday 31st October
Children aged 8 - 16 years old
10.00am ~ 4.00pm
For more info please call
020 3268 0012 / 020 78203444
Football, Basketball, Street Dance, Boxing, Tennis and much more!
Registration Form
Lilian Baylis Old school,
T: 0203 268 0012 F: 0203 242 0004
Parental Consent Form
I consent to my child attending the October Half Term programme delivered by Sport Action Zone, and funded by the Positive Futures at Lilian Baylis Old School from 27th – 31st October 2008, 10 - 4pm
All children must bring appropriate sports wear Astroturf/Trainers, Shin Pads, drink, and Pack Lunch
Parents/Carers must complete this form and hand it in person to the Sport Action Zone staff.
Name: ………………………… Surname: ……………………………………………
Address: ……………………………………………………………………………………………..
………………………………………………… Postcode:………………………………………………..
Telephone: ………………………………Mail:…………………………
Date of birth: ………………………………Œ Male Œ Female
School attended: ………………………………Year Group: …………………………………………….
Emergency Contact Name:…………………………………Contact Telephone:…………
Relationship to participant: ……………………………………………………………………………
Please state any achievement,education/sport/music/art: ……………………………………………
Please state which Housing Association/ Council you live at: Œ Family Mosaic Œ Hyde Southbank Homes
Please give details of any medical conditions, disabilities or allergies, including any current medication:
If your child requires medical attention/medicine during the programme, do you consent for a member of staff to provide this? Œ Yes Œ No
Ethnicity: Religion: …………………………………
a) White
Œ British Œ Irish Œ Other White background
b) Mixed
Œ White and Asian Œ White and black
Œ White and black African Œ Other mixed background
c) Asian or Asian British
Œ Indian Œ Pakistani Bangladeshi Œ Other Asian Background
d) Black or Black British
Œ Caribbean Œ African Œ Other Black background
e) Chinese or other ethnic group
Œ Chinese Œ Other ethnic group …………………………………
How did you hear about activity?
Œ School Œ Family/Friend Œ Youth worker/group Œ Advertisement Œ Attended Previously
Œ Other, please specify ……………………………………………….
Use of photographs/video material
Occasionally the external partner’s who have funded the programme will take photographs or video material to be used for promotional/funding purposes only. If you do not consent to have yourself/your child feature in these please tick here Œ
As parent/guardian of ……………………………………I agree to my child participating in the activities as part of this programme. I have informed SAZ of any medical conditions from which my child suffers that may be relevant. I am responsible for my child when the programme ends.
Name of parent/guardian/participant if over 18years: …………………………………………………………………………
Signed:…………………………………………………….Date: ………………………………………………………………………..
| Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday |
| | | | | |
Date | 27th October | 28th October | 29th October | 30th October | 31st October |
Time | 10 – 4pm | 10 – 4pm | 10 – 4pm | 10 – 4pm | 10 – 4pm |
| | | | | |
Activities | Football | Football | Football | Football | Football |
| Basketball | Handball | Basketball | Handball | Basketball |
| Tennis (2- 4pm) | Tennis (2- 4pm) | Tennis (2- 4pm) | Tennis (2- 4pm) | Tennis (2- 4pm) |
| The Art Workshop | The Art Workshop | Badminton | Gym | Badminton |
| Boxing (2- 4pm) | Boxing (12-2pm) | Dance, Boxing (2- 4pm) | Boxing (12-2pm) | Boxing (12-2pm) |
| | Gym | | | |
Karim Habibi
Activities Co-ordinator
North Southwark & North Lambeth Sport Action Zone
Lilian Baylis Old School
T: 020 3268 0012
F: 020 3242 0004
M: 07982 705392
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